Meeting The Protectors

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Xylo open his eyes and notice that somebody is hugging him. When he look down he see that Bri is on top oh him and she is snuggling to his chest.
Hellfire: Nice waking gift
Xylo face was burning from embarrassment especially when he felt two 'pillows' pressed to his chest.
(A/N: don't judge me guys I needed to use. Blame Anime logic)
When he look at Bri face he notice that she smiles. When he is trying to get up, Bri started to wake up making him froze. When she half-open her eyes and look at Xylo.
Bri: *yawn* Good morning Xylo
Xylo: G-good morning Bri
Bri: Why are you here?
Xylo: You don't remember? I slept with you.
Bri looked at Xylo and when the information finally sink into her head her eyes widened and mouth opened.

Somewhere else

Divinus Magia were currently eating breakfast in the tawern. Björn was drinking his ale, same with David and Mario. Ritchie and Brandon were eating glowing bread and Kit and Inmo were eating mushroom soup gift  from Mario. Suddenly they heard scream.
That scream made Kit and Inmo throw the soup, David and Mario spat unfortunately towards Ritchie and Brandon and Björn give a sh*t.

David: What the hell was that
Mario: Auch that hurt a little
Kit: Are you alright Mario?
Mario: No
Ritchie: You two
When David and Mario look at Ritchie and Brandon they notice they furious face especially with Ritchie.
Ritchie: Time for a game Dodge a lighting bolt extreme edition.
David and Mario:'shit'

Back to Bri house

After Bri's scream which made Xylo faint and Bri when noticed after her freak out she walked to his unconscious form.
She noticed that he is slightly warmer than normal and what is more noticeable that his magic power is enormous. When Xylo finally was conscious again when he open his eyes he was greated by Bri's beautiful face.
Xylo: Are you an Angel?
Bri: You still alive Xylo
Xylo: And my question is the same.
Bri burned bright red. She get up from a bed and dart from a room shouting.

Training ground of Protectors

Xylo and Bri come to place where will be tested with rest of new Protectors.
Xylo notice that Bryan, Jakey, Kay And Relena was glint of interest in her eyes.
Bri: I see everybody is here We can now test your skills and say hello to your new guildmate Xylo.
Xylo: Yo
Bryan: Hi my name is....
Xylo: Bryan
Bryan stared at him shocked.
Bryan: H-how do you know?
Xylo: I know you, Jakey, Relena, Kay and Bri but in the same time I don't know you.
Kay: Kay.exe stopped working
Bryan: Bryan.exe stopped working
Jakey: Jakey.exe stopped working
Relena: Relena.exe stopped working
Bri: We need to explain it to you guys.

One explanation later

Bryan: You are from different dimension, tell me who I am?
Xylo: In my dimension you are Son of Aphrodite who is goddess of love.
Bryan: That is kinda lame.
Xylo: Believe me you kinda made problems in my dimension.
Shadow: Technicly It's not your dimension
Xylo:'shut up'
Kay: and me, me who I am?
Lo pho: Surly you guys want to know how your counterpants look but now we have different matters.

When every body cool down Bri and Lo pho led them towards Archers range.
Bri: Lo pho explain.
Lo pho: Yes my Queen, here we will test your shooting skills. You can use spell or bow.
First went Bryan who inhaled air in his mouth.
From his mouth come torrent of flames which turned target into ash.
Hellfire: HA Fire Dragon Slayer it will be easy defeating him.
Shadow: Still he is pretty strong.
Xylo ignore their comments.
Bri:'Fire Dragon Slayer magic is pretty destructive magic.'
Next went Jakey who create mana balls to shoot them towards targets, most of them get to target.
Lo pho: Not bad Jakey you need to work with your accuracy.
Jakey: T-tkank you Lo pho
What Xylo notice that this Jakey is more nervous and shy than Jakey from his dimension.

Next went Kay who failed making only few hit the target around edges.
Lo pho: You really need work with your accuracy Kay.
Kay: I know when I don't have a magic.
Shadow: Are you fu*king kidding me. She has Take over magic!
Xylo:'Take over what?'
Death: Take over magic is type of magic where you Take over somebody soul to transform into this person but it's only needed when you are beast or Demon take over magic. With Take Over magic you can partly or fully transform into something.
Hellfire: Oh Death You still here I was thinking that you are 'dead'
Shadow: Ignoring Hellfire pun that Kid Kay is especially Animal Take Over Mage which she can transform into animals if she was more powerful she could transform into
animal human form.
Xylo:'it's useful to know'
Next is Relena who get her bow and shoot three times every one of them nearly in the middle of the target.
Lo pho: Nice Relena
Now is Xylo who went in front of a target. Xylo took out his bow and his arrows.
Bri/Lo pho:'what a strange bow'
Xylo took arrow and shoot straight in the middle of the target.
Bri: Nice one Xylo
Xylo: Not yet
Before Bri could ask what did he mean he took another arrow and this too shoot straight to the middle destroying the arrow the same time.
Xylo then took third arrow and shoot this too in to middle destroying not only arrow but he shoot arrow thru the target.
That left rest shocked.
Kay: That....was..... AWSOME!!!
Lo pho: That is really impressive

After everyone shock they move towards mini-arena.
Bri: Here you will be fighting
Lo pho: You don't need to hold back because I will heal you.

Bryan: I go first
Xylo: Me too
Both Xylo and Bryan went to the mini-arena
Lo pho: You both will fight until one of you two will be unconscious or will be thrown out the arena. Are you understand?
Xylo/Bryan: Yes!

Xylo unleashed his Soul Sword and Bryan took out his Fire Broadsword.
Xylo:'It's vey similar to Kaykrea'
Lo pho: Everyone ready.......Fight!
With that worlds Bryan start running towards Xylo. Xylo took out his [Book of Dead] and pointed in front of him.
Xylo: Wall of Bones
From the ground emerge tall wall made from bones.
Bryan struck with his Broadsword but he needed to hit it second time to crumble. When dust went down He notice that Xylo disappeard.
Bryan: Where are you Xylo?!
He felt tap on his shoulder.
When he turn around.

His face meet with purple pan.
When Xylo took his pan from Bryan face Bryan has dazed look before he fell face first to the ground.
Xylo: I think I hit him too hard....

Xylo in Fairy Tail Origins [Discontinued]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ