Grand Magic Party

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Xylo with the rest of The Protectors except Jakey, who went somewhere, were standing around pool table. 

Lo pho: What do you guys think about the rest of the guilds? 

Bryan: Well...

Kay: When you said Grand Magic Games, I was thinking that we will play some games, not fighting other people. 

Xylo: Kay, this is a start! Don't need to worry to much. 

Kay: But we will hurt each other!

Seek: Isn't it what is about?

Everybody turned around and were greated by Seek from Xylo's dimension, but now he looked different. Seek now get his hair in to a ponytail. He is wearing now a white sleevless coat, black baggy pants with black sandals. On his back he had black scythe. Xylo notice black fire like markings on Seek's forearms.

Xylo: Hey Seek, nice look.
Seek: Thanks, you too.
Hellfire: Why am I not suprised that he Fire God Slayer?
Xylo turned towards the Protectors, Bryan and Kay were giving him questioning look.
Xylo: Oh yeah, this is Seek, he is from my dimension. Seek, this are my friends The Protectors, you already know Bri and Lo pho, this little girl here is Kay, this rich looking boy is Bryan and this... Where is Katelyn.

Xylo notice that Katelyn wasn't here.
Bri: She went somewhere to meet somebody.
Xylo: Okey, I will go with Seek.
Lo pho: Alright, but be wary of doggos!
Xylo and Seek go in their way, Seek gave a questioning look.
Seek: What did he mean by doggos?
Xylo: This is something with his past, none of your concern.

Little later...

Xylo and Seek were sitting around the table with Bren, Collin, Seek's counterpant and Michael from Grimshade, Silver, Grandmaster Jonathan, Bryan and Lo pho.
Silver: I am telling you guys! I will win!
Lo pho: Don't be overconfident, I can play too.
Silver: Ha! You are just stupid cat!
Lo pho: Don't CALL ME A CAT!
Silver: Just look at you, you are a cat!
Bryan: Fluffy cat.
Xylo: Bryan don't test Lo pho patience, you too Austin, we don't want to Kitty Kat to explode.

Silver: My name isn't Austin.
Xylo only sheepishly smiled.
Xylo: You just remind me about your counterpant, but he was a idiot if we sirusly talking.
JP: How much of the idiot we are talking about?
Xylo: ....well a lot.


Austin with his girlfriend Bri (Dying noises from my soul and body) were in dining hall in the camp, Bri eating vegetables and Austin eating burgers.
Austin suddenly looked in the space darkly.
Austin: Why do I want to hit Xylo?
Bri: Austin, you always want to hit Xylo.
Austin: I know.
In the background Mario and Kay were cuddling with their daughter Daisy.

Back to FTO/FT universe...

JP: ...right
Michael: Back to game, are we gambling?
Seek(Ice): sure
Colin: I am not sure...
Bren: Bring in on!
JP: Eh I will pass the game.
Lo pho: not to sure...
Silver: Are you scared Cat?
Lo pho: I am not a Coin and don't call me a cat!
Xylo smiled mischievously.
Xylo: I am on.
Seek(🔥): I will pass.
Seek (Ice) looked at his counterpant and shrugged. Seek(🔥) didn't played because of Xylo.
Silver: Then let's start!

One game later... I don't need to say who won.

Xylo won.
Silver, Bryan, Michael, Seek(Ice),
Lo pho and Bren lost all of their money which now sit in front of Xylo in the big leather sack. Xylo only grinned.
Xylo: It was great playing with you gentlemen.
Xylo get up and grabbed the sack. He looked at while and then he put it easily in his alchemist bag, which made all present except Seek(🔥) looking at him shocked.
Silver: H-how!
Xylo: Alchemist bag.

Xylo in Fairy Tail Origins [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now