Two truths and one lie

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Xylo sighed in defeat when he left the special magic clothes shop. He expected to be expensive but this is ridiculous! He spend almost all his money he get from the quest with Medusa, but it was worthy. Xylo now is wearing a black tank top which give him freely movement to his arms and he won't be walking around with his bare chest displayed.
Hellfire: I suspect someone liked that UwU
Xylo:'shut up'

When Xylo came back from the quest, he only met Lo pho who give him a money for the quest, he recommended that Xylo should get some special clothes that will be more durable and won't be destroyed by his own magic. When he came back to Bri's place he wasn't suspecting her getting out the shower, good that she has a towel on her. Both of them were embarrassed.
Xylo:'It was something taken from Anime'
Shadow: You know Anime
Xylo:'You know what Anime is?'
Hellfire: Shadow is a Otaku
Shadow: NO I AM NOT!
Hellfire: Suuuuuure

Xylo:'and to answer your question, My Mother liked to watch Anime, maybe it was reminding about her dimension'
Death: Maybe
Back to Xylo's new clothes. Xylo wear the black leather jacket, with hellfire nullification enchantment, which has purple fires on his sleeves which are only to his forearms. He is still wearing his black pants with holes in them. As a shoes, he is wearing the same like his old ones but with the hellfire nullification enchantment. He wears a black fingerless gloves.

Xylo: Ok let's go to the guild, maybe I will grab another quest.
Xylo started walking towards the guild not noticing a two people staring towards him.
???: Is it him?
???: Yep, Xylo Son of Hades
???: He has nice style, we need to get some new clothes too hon.
???: I know I know, first we need to enter the guilds and get some information about this world.
???: Yeah, because you hate when you don't know something
???: S-shut up!

Later with Xylo

Xylo was looking at the C and B class quests on the quest board, with him was Jakey, Kay and Bryan looking at the quests. Xylo glanced towards Bryan who with confident smile was looking towards S class mission.
Jakey: What first mission to take?
Bryan then smiled to much and Xylo already knew that he had something stupid on his mind.
Bryan: S class one!

Lo pho: No! No no no no no, you walk away from S class board.
Everybody turned towards running Lo pho.
Lo pho: You need to earn it!
Xylo: Or you need to be strong enough to do that.
Lo pho: That too and I see new clothes
Xylo: Yeah but that cost most of my money from the quest I did.

Kay: But still you look cool!
Jakey: Y-yeah!
Bryan: Mhm! He doesn't look as cool as me!
Xylo: Yea yea sure fancy pants.
Bryan glared towards Xylo.
Xylo:'if he is Bryan I know, I suspect he has crush on Jakey'
Death: You can be not wrong but better ask about this Hellfire.
Hellfire: I have a thing for that! And I can say, you are 100% right Xylo! Jakey is Bryan's mate!
Xylo:'Mate huh?'
Hellfire: Well...
Shadow: 'Shut up for now, you can told him this later'
(When I am writing this way, this mean they talk to each other but Xylo doesn't hear them, same the other way)

Lo pho: I want to announce something! We will be...
Jakey: For the quest?
Kay: going on the adventure!
Bryan: Killing monsters!
Lo pho: going on the camping!



Everyone: ...
Kay&Jakey&Bryan: what?
Xylo: nice, I go get my backpack and we are good to go.
Kay&Jakey&Bryan: eh?
Lo pho: Okey, we will be going in the hour, and no magic!
Bryan: ohhhh
Lo pho: ok, little bit of magic
Bryan: Yay!


Now, they are here. The view is beautiful and near their location is lake and forest. They started by making a campfire which was made by Bryan's FIRE DRAGON ROAR. When the rest of the group started fishing some fishes, Xylo started putting tents. When he finished, the rest of Protectors finished cooking fishes and what Xylo notice that
Lo pho didn't look at fishes with appetite like he suspected from the cat.

Xylo in Fairy Tail Origins [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now