Prologue: Paradise and the Lord

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It's been a few days ever since The Superior of Annihilate got defeated, Blixer now remembered his past as a prince to a king. Blixer and Cube started dating since he forgives Blixer, even Heli and Ship are dating as well. The treeangle is restored and recreated all the fallen shapes, three new sacred shapes was created. Square told the three new sacred shapes, which are apparently his siblings, the story of the Blixer incident and how he met the nobodies and Sora. Everything is so peaceful in Paradise again...

--outside the world--

Sora and his friends Donald and Goofy are in the gummi ship, apparently there's the new organization an it's lead by Master Xehanort. Sora wants to go to the Realm of Darknes to help Riku and Mickey, but Donald and Goofy refused to let him go there. Then Sora got an idea, "Hey, I want to show you two a world that I've been there during the Mastery Exam!" Sora said. "A world you've been to during the exam? But Yen Sid didn't tell us about another world." Goofy asked, "That is strange, maybe it appeared during the exam. Now then, to Paradise!" Sora put the coordination and went off.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy arrived in Paradise, the sweet melody flows in the air as shapes are around. Then Square noticed Sora, "Sora! You're back! It's been a few days! Who are those two with you?" Square said. "These two are my friends, Donald and Goofy!" Sora told him, "It's nice meeting you two! Welcome to Paradise!" Square said. Donald is very confused on why are there talking shapes and music out of nowhere playing. "Eyy Sora! You're back!" Sora, Donald, and Goofy turned to see Blixer with his guitar strapped on his back. Donald and Goofy jumped back in surprised from how Blixer is more taller. "I would like to thank you for saving me and Paradise from Annihilate." Blixer said, "Who's Annihilate?" Goofy asked as he tilted his head a bit. Blixer and Square sighed and told the two what happened.

"You mean the Organization XIII was here before Sora?" "That's right, it's kinda terrifying about the centipedes crawling out of eyeless Xemnas." Square said shivering a bit from remembering that part. "Me and Xemnas still remembered everything when we were Annihilate, it wasn't too pleasant at all tbh." Blixer looked confused. "Are there any heartless around?" Sora asked, "You know it, they've been appearing everywhere. Me, Blixer, and the others have been protecting the shapes from them. They're really a pain to deal with but we managed." Square said. "Yea and since Paradise i safe from Annihilate, the treeangle rebuild the village I remembered and the shapes that was fallen or shattered are reincarnated! We also have a very special ice cream flavor that is super popular in Paradise! Sea Salt Ice Cream! If it wasn't for Xion that let me try this, this flavor wouldn't exist here!" Blixer said smiling. Then Cube walked up next to Blixer, Blixer put his hand on Cube's side. "Blixer, are you and Cube-" Square's sentence then got cut off by Blixer, "Dating? Yes we are dating, I grew a huge warm feeling in my heart for Cube and he have the same feeling for me as well!!" Blixer told him. "Congrats on becoming a couple you two!" Sora said. "Thanks!" Cube smiled, him and Blixer kissed before Blixer walked away. The group began to have a friendly chat, but they didn't know what's coming to them....

--At the cave--

A deep, dark pit was in the cave where Blixer came from. Crystal shards were scattered, a pink figure floated up from the pit. He chuckled and looked around, "It's been 1,000 years ever since my 'death', it is time for me to rule Paradise again." the pink figure then dashed out of the cave and heading towards the treeangle.

--Back with Sora--

Everyone was having fun until Cube felt something powerful awakened, his triangle ears are blinking violently which means something isn't good. Cube looked around until he saw the pink figure dash towards the treeangle. "Cube? Are you ok?" Sora asked, "Is there something wrong?" Donald asked too. "We got to get to the treeangle!! Something pink is heading towards the treeangle and it's not Blixer!!!" Cube said. As the group arrived, the pink figure grabbed it with his beak-like mouth and he felt a powerful surge flowing through him. He then grew a body and his head rotated as the treeangle broke into three pieces again, Cube and Square recognized that shape....It was Shockwave...

"It feels so good to have my powers back! Now I can ruled Paradise again!" Shockwave laughed as he began to have his original form again. He then flew to the Village, every shape was freaking out from seeing Shockwave as he began attacking the town. Blixer summoned his scared sword and charged at Shockwave, guess he's a sacred weapon wielder like Square. Shockwave roadhouse kicked Blixer away, he then charged up and unleashed a shockwave of corruption across Paradise. Cube created a barrier around the shapes and blocked the corruption shockwave. The shapes got hit with it and became pure corrupteds but the shockwave didn't effect Blixer since he's immune to it. Shockwave noticed Blixer and flew to him, he was about to grab Blixer until Shockwave got hit by fire. Shockwave looked and saw Square, Sora, and the others with their weapons out and ready. "You dare to mess with the true pure corrupted lord? I know you all heard of me..." Shockwave said. "You have a history in the past long ago! We won't let you take over Paradise!" Square said. Shockwave chuckled as he grabbed Blixer by the neck, "And what will you do about it?" he asked. Sora and his pals charged at Shockwave but Shockwave moved Blixer in front of them, causing them to stop in. "Now you wouldn't hurt the King of Paradise, he returned after all from the void." Shockwave said, he then shot a powerful beam at them and he flew off with Blixer and the three treeangle pieces. "NOOOO!!! BLIXER!!!!" Cube yelled as he saw Blixer being taken away by Shockwave, he can feel tears rolling down his face.

--With Shockwave--

Shockwave landed somwhere away from the destoryed village, he buried all three treeangle pieces into the ground. They rose up an created some sort of fortress, Shockwave still have Blixer in his arms tho. "Let me go! You can't take me away!" Blixer said, "I won't allow you to leave." Shockwave told him. He walked into the fortress and to the throne room. He threw Blixer down and kneeled down to him, "I want you to join me, help me take over Paradise! You are the king after all, wouldn't you like to be an even more powerful king again?" Shockwave said as he lead out his hand. "Powerful king again?" Blixer looked at Shockwave, but then he smacked Shockwave's hand away. "No way you bastard! I'm not gonna help you take over Paradise!! I already made a mistake, I don't want to repeat it..." Blixer said. "Blixer, you know the past was in the past. Maybe I'll let you go, be with your friends." Shockwave said. "Thanks man, maybe you're not really bad at all." Blixer got up an head to the door. Then Shockwave pull out a crown with one of the treeangle pieces on top and forcefully placed it on Blixer's head. "WHAT THE-ACK!!!" Blixer fell to his knees in pain as the crown starts glowing. Blixer realized that Shockwave tricked him, he looked over at Shockwave and saw him chuckled evily. "You will be by my side, even I have to FORCE YOU." Shockwave walked out of the throne room, leaving Blixer in pain as Blixer's vision went dark.....

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