Chapter 3: Training

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Gunslinga was in his room, it appears he is trying to train himself if the heroes entered the fortress. Gunslinga discovered that he have the same ability as Xigbar, he use it and was no upside down but he ended up falling back to the floor. "ACK! Son of a....This will not be easy to control..." Gunslinga said to himself. "Come on Gunslinga, you can do this! Just focus on nothing and you'll be fine..." Gunslinga tried that again but he fell down again. Gunslinga tried a different ability like teleport, he focused and teleported to a room. Something is off of this room, he can sense a strange energy until noticed a corrupted that looks like a child's nightmare.

This is his redesigned

"Lord Annihilate? Is that you?" Gunslinga asked, "N

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"Lord Annihilate? Is that you?" Gunslinga asked, "" the shape said in a broken speech tone. Something disappeared behind Blixer, but Gunslinga didn't know what it is so he chose to ignore it. "Sorry about coming to your room, my name is Gunslinga and I was training myself to fully control these powers Xigbar have." Gunslinga said. "Xi...g.b..a.....r...?" Blixer said. Its seems that Blixer remembered Xigbar while he was Superior of Annihilate. "Yea, I'm gonna go and continue training now." As Gunslinga was about to teleport away, "Wa...i.t.....I...c....a.n.....h.e....l...p.....y.o....u....." "You can help me train? Alright then, let's find somewhere to train." Gunslinga took Blixer's hand and teleported both to somewhere in the fortress.

--Meanwhile with Square--

Lycan is training Donald and Goofy, they need to learn about what will the corrupteds will do. "You two don't know much about void level patterns, so you will be learning the basics of void levels incase the corrupteds created one since you two are new to this world." Lycan said. "We can still handle this!" Donald said, "But can you handle the void level? Square and Sora already know about it, so I will create my own and Square will teach you the basics." Lycan said a she turned into her corrupte form. She created a void level and jumped in, Square took Donald and Goofy in there. Everything was full of darkness until the music began playing and the void was half flooded with corruption liquid.

Spikes formed around and duplicates of Lycan popped up, Donald and Goofy saw the projectiles and panicked resulting in getting hit by them. "Come on! Why panic from this simple attack? You have to dash through or find a gap spot!" Square said. This will take a while for them to get use to this.

--Back at the fortress--

Gunslinga and Blixer are training their newly and old abilities. Blixer can summon his centipedes since the crown, that Shockwave forced Blixer to wear, mixed his New Game/Final Boss form with Annihilate. Blixer's hair is silver white again ever since the Superior of Annhilate happened before but it have pink highlights somehow. Blixer summoned his cannon and blast sonicwaves at Gunslinga, he managed to control his abilities for a bit. He somehow still needs training on that tho. But suddenly Gunslinga blacked out and landed on the ground. Blixer ran over to him, he lightly smacking him but he isn't waking up...

--With Gunslinga--

Gunslinga began to wake up and figure out where he is. "Hello? Blixer? Idols? Lord Shockwave?" No response anywhere in the darkness, "Come on, this isn't funny!" Gunslinga began to wonder around until he heard footsteps behind him. He froze as if he's familiar with this kind, he saw something in the distance but the darkness won't reveal the whole shape.

 He froze as if he's familiar with this kind, he saw something in the distance but the darkness won't reveal the whole shape

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"Wh-Who are you? What are you?" Gunslinga asked, the unknown shape didn't say anything. It got up and slowly walked towards Gunslinga, Gunslinga stepped back as it got closer. "†hêrê'§ ñð §håþê årðµñÐ hêrê...¥ðµ'rê ïñ ¥ðµr mïñÐ....ßlïxêr gð† †hï§ §åmê Ðrêåm å§ ¥ðµ....ßµ† †hï§ ï§ vêr¥ Ðêrêñ†..." The shape said. Gunslinga aimed his arm gun and shot an arrow at the shape, but it phased through like it's a ghost. The unknown shape aimed his big arm cannon and blast a big arrow at Gunslinga. He got sent flying until the shape finally caught him. Gunslinga never felt fear in his whole existence, he began to struggle but it's grip is too strong to break free.

"ßlððÐ lïñked...."

"What the hell do you mean blood linked!?"

"†hê Úþrï§ïñg....¥ðµ årê lïñkêÐ †ð †hê Úþrï§ïñg ߥ ßlððÐ...."

"LET ME GO!!!! IT HURTS!!!!" Gunslinga looked over and saw a cyan shape that looked exactly like Shockwave and a pink spirit with daggers. It seems the cyan Shockwave is in suffering from that spirit, the spirit seems to be full of sins. "Ððñ'† ßð†hêr §¢rêåming £ðr hêlþ...ñð §håþê ¢åñ hêår ¥ðµ...ñðw ¥ðµ årê M Ì ñ È . . . . ." The shape pierced its claw into Gunslinga's chest causing Gunslinga to scream in pain. "OH MY TREEANGLE!! IT HURTS!! IT HURTS!!!!" Gunslinga cried as he struggles, his vision starting to turn dark as he heard the shape laughing and digging it's claw deeper in his chest.

Gunslinga opened his eyes and saw that he's choking On The Run and a beatened-up Mortal Kombat. "What the-" Blixer apprehended Gunslinga down, On The Run got up and began gaining oxygen. "Wh-What just happened?" Gunslinga asked, "" Blixer told him as he let go. Gunslinga is shocked from hearing that then he got up, "I'm really sorry, I had this strange nightmare about a large creature saying something about a blood link. I tried to run from it, but it caught me then pierced it's claws into my chest. I also saw a cyan shape that looks like Shockwave, it was a horrifying nightmare.....I...I....." Gunslinga began shivering. Blixer put his hand on Gunslinga's shoulder, "" Blixer said. "I see, let's take a break from train-" Then something interrupted Gunslinga


The alarm went off which means the heroes are here, Shockwave ran to him and Blixer. "You two go try to shatter them! We won't let them stop me!" Shockwave said. Gunslinga and Blixer both nodded an head to the entrance gate. The two saw Square and Sora with the other three sacred shapes and friend shapes, "What the!? Gunslinga!? How did you-" "Get released from that crystalized triangle bit? Shockwave crushed it and that set me free! Now it's time for payback by shattering you!!!" Gunslinga said. The shapes are preparing for battle...

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