Chapter 2 - The Sense of Meeting Old and New People

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I know it will be a difficult day. Going home at past 11 p.m., mom will kill me.

"We're home, mom."

Kate texted me, I could walk home but it's late and Kate offered a ride since she just got early. I slowly removed my wet shoes, hoping words coming from mom. Words that sounds mad yet I know she's always just being Kris.

"Again Elizabeth." She looks at me like I killed someone, her both hands on her waists and she's frowning at me.

"Sorry mom." I replied lowering my tone, not looking at her.

"Kate can't just always pick you at work. Aren't you tired? Can't you just get off at 5:40? That company can't even give an overtime pay?"

That nagging was like everyday to me. Same phrase, same words, sometimes in diffirent pitch of her voice. I wonder if my mother could sing because I think she can do rock.

"It's fine mom." Kate answered.

It's always been Kate who answered on her. I'm just a good listener to them. I practiced this since I was a kid and dad was good at this too, that's why mom always say 'You're like your father.'

"You know Liz finds it difficult to see at night these days. It's safer if I pick her after work and dad wasn't here..." Kate continued, giving more intense in her last phrase about dad.

I just go upstairs to change my clothes. I couldn't hear what they are talking but I know it's still about me. I turned-on Kate's laptop to check my email.

From: Barb

Re: Long time no convo

Message: Best Lizzy, how are you? I've been too busy. I work now in a cafe. It's not so far from my apartment and my boss give us ride everyday so I save more money. Free fare.

I'm sure Barb was too happy experiencing living alone which was her dream. Being born in rich family makes you to have the simplest dreams in life I think. She even thinks paying in cash was so amazing since when we were highschool, she have her own black credit card.

To: Barb

Message: I'm fine. Good for you. Finally you found a job. Congratulations, I heard you finished your Italian language classes. Aunt told me. I guess yuu'll stay there for a year or more right?

From: Barb

Message: Thank you. I'm here for almost 4 months... I'll think about it if I'll stay here for a year.
Much to talk about. Sleep now. I'm sure you're too tired because of work. Don't wait for Loser Rob to call. He's life really ruins yours. Good night. Mwaah

That "mwaah" on her messages everyday was really weird. I miss her, yes I do, but I'm really not used to it and she knows that. That's why she keeps doing it to annoy me.

To: Barb

Message: Stop that thing. I'll sleep now. Take care at work. Congratulations again. After Italy, get a serious relationship - I know that was your real dream haha.

I did joke her sometimes about not having a boyfriend. She dated some in our highschool but she always told me that there were just flings. 

I teased her that she's the reason why I'm not into guys because she's into them - too much.

She's a year older than me and she really is hoping for serious relationship. I just know she'll meet someone, she really deserves.

"Liz, I'm done using the bathroom."

Thanks God. After many years, she's done. I mean, what else she's doing inside the bathroom every night that takes a lot of time. For hours she spent inside the bathroom, she's still the same except of her wet hair, changed on her pink floral pajamas and something is on her face - a face cream I think. Me, I just go there, shower, brush my teeth, get Marley to wash his feet, then done. Time to sleep.

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