Chapter 11 - The Sense of Heart

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Since I never been in places like this, I let Ethan lead the way.

In places like this that I'm not used to or when I'm in a crowded place, I feel dizzy but I don't want to be so I tried to keep it to myself and walk normally after him.

As always, he's ahead and I followed. Until we got in the entrance.
I got the details when I talked to Barb before on the phone and I met Mr. Driver to get our tickets. Ethan handed them and I just followed him again wherever he goes.

He steps.

I'll follow.

Like I was his shadows.

I hate new places, this will make me like a lost kid walking on crowd.

I wasn't paying much attention on my surroundings and just focused assuring to make my step very careful so I could avoid bumping to anyone or anything.

I watched my steps while looking on Ethan's shoes while his in front of me when some group passed in front of me, blocking my view of him. I stop.

"Sorry." I muttered, looking up as I almost bumped on one of them but they just walk along the crowd.

I shrugged then look in front and Ethan wasn't there anymore.

"Ethan?" I ask myself.

I'm lost.

I tiptoed in the middle of the crowd, trying to spot a tall guy in black baseball cap but with my height it is impossible. As I look around, some were pushing me back, in front or in either side making me like a broken tape repeating the word 'Sorry.'


"I'm sorry." I said when I bumped someone as I stepped back.

"Someone's lost." he said with a hint of laughter.

I gazed up with half opened eyes because of the sunlight and saw Ethan.

"Ethan." I whirled to face him and look down as I feels irritated on the light.

"Are you okay?" he asked, lowering himself to look at my face.

"Yeah..." I nodded with a little smile. "uh... I'm sorry."

"You should say something if you're not comfortable."


"Better." he said when he laid something on my head.

I saw his face clearly now and he smiled. That smile he did that intimidates me.

I froze when his hands came on both sides of my head, fixing the cap he gave.

It was like everything stops as he keep those hands on my head.

Then I just heard him laughed shortly. But not just that laugh. I also heard drums playing inside me.

It was fast.


So fast.

Then I felt heat on my cheeks.

"What are you doing?" I removed his hands as I glanced down, avoiding his gaze.

He suddenly hold my hand.

"What...?" I asked as I awkwardly, trying to take off my hand.

"Just trust me." he said and pulled me. "I don't want to lose you again."

I kept my gazed down when I noticed some people stared on him. I loosen my hands off to his but he just held it tighter.

I feel heat on my cheeks as we took every steps on the stairs. This was worse than his hands on my head before. Every step we make, my heart beat seems unstable like it has a broken speedometer. I think I even forgot how to breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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