Chapter 9 - The Sense of Friends

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Ethan starts the engine and fiddled the controls then turn on the heater.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"Anytime," he looked straight ahead as he moved the gearstick and drove.

I feel the warmth as I realised that I was covered by his jacket. I hurried and removed it on me.

"I think you need this..."

"No, wear it."

", I don't."

"Yes, you do." he shifted on me, raising an eyebrow as he increased the heater.

I looked at him, he's just wearing a gray shirt, but he really seems not cold.

"Okay then, if you don't want this," I take off his jacket and hang it on back of his seat.

I heard him laughed, in a very relaxed sound.

I plan to make our way with full silence as I looked out and all I could see was the pouring rain, blurring the window.

Suddenly, a music played. It was the same piano song last night. I want to ask what song was it but I'm still recovering from his strange actions on me.

I leaned back on the leather seat when I realised he was driving so fast. I wasn't aware before - the moment I looked ahead. Surely the splash of mud will smudged the side of the car but the way he drove was still even and calm. The car moved steadily and I feel safe like before.

"Scared?" he asked confidently, like he really wants me to be.

Honestly, I'm not. I'm nervous last night than now. He seemed enjoying driving this fast.

Last night, he was driving with same speed yet he was furious then as I looked on his face now, he wasn't.

I looked up on him but I was surprise that he was staring at me already.

"No..." I said, avoiding his gaze as I feel my face is in heat, "...just look ahead."

I heard him laugh so I slowly looked at him again, he was focused ahea.

"I never been in any accident or road violations so don't worry."

"Yeah, yeah... you're good at everything. No need to show off," I said.

He smirked then continue driving, I don't even know where we are now. His car was like going on a different route to make my way faster to EverGreen.

"Do you like classical music?" I suddenly asked when the music ended and another piece played.

"Why? Do you want other music? I could change it," he glanced down at me, his curious blue eyes studying my face.

" It's good. I'm honestly not into those but I now had the chance to appreciate it," I admitted.

"It was really good."

"Who's the best composer for you?" I began to asked again as if I really know one of them. I slightly positioned myself, more of leaning on the car's door to see him.

I can't avoid my sight to be caught by tbe tattooe on his arm. As I kept my eyes on it, I noticed that beneath it was a scar. It was a scar like a knife stabbed it. He might just cover it with those tattoos.

"Composer?" he said and I gaze back on his face.

"In classical music? umm..." he paused, "Bach... Debussy, Vivaldi... I don't have any specifics."

"Oh," I said, amused. It was like my brain for seconds flew out of my head - all he said was gibberish. I hide the laughter on my head but I felt a smile on my face.

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