Chapter four

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Karen's POV

I woke up the following morning with a smile on my face. To be honest, I hadn't smiled for a long time. I walked into the shower to take a quick bath so as not to be late for work. I pulled out my long black gown with a split at the end and wore a black flat Italian shoes. Black were my favourites. Even my office and room are designed in black. I walked into the kitchen to check out for something to eat. After debating for ten minutes, I finally resorted to eating pancakes and a cup of hot tea. I missed my maid. I settled at the living room whike eating and put a call through to my maid to ask her when she would be back. When she didn't pick my calls, I left a message for her. The drive to my office was quite a nice one. I pulled into The park and walked briskly into my office greeting everyone that walked passed me.

"What are my appointments for today?" I asked Love as I settled into my office.

"You are supposed to meet with Marcia's jewels by 10am today ma" Love replies almost immediately.

"Ok. Call me when it's 9am to get on the road. And yes, call me the new Marketer"

"I'm sorry ma, but Mr Matthew is yet to resume" Love replies almost fidgeting.

"What?! This is past 8am already. Call me Mr Patrick now!" I spit getting upset. I really hated when people do not take their work seriously.

Mr Patrick comes in fifteen minutes later.
"Why did it take you forever to come here?!" I shouted all that I could

"I'm sorry ma'am.  Busy with a work at my office"

"Oh whatever! When is the new Marketer going to be here? Didn't you tell him the rules? I say angrily.

"I was going to give him the rules this morning ma'am but I told Love to tell him the time he is to be here" he replies calmly despite my shouting.  He seems to be able to handle my moods.

"Make sure you give him the rules." I state almost in a roaring tone and asks him to exit.


Matthew's  POV

I had waited at the bus stop for over thirty minutes without any sign of a bus approaching anytime soon. I was already getting anxious since it was my first day at work and I didn't want to paint myself as an unserious fellow plus I didn't want to lose my job. I keep praying silently for a bus to arrive soon. Not long after, a bus pulled up and I quickly boarded it. I arrived at the company at exactly 9am. I heaved a deep breath and began to walk in. I saw Love extremely busy with the system and I wondered what it is she was doing on the system. I moved closer and cleared my throat to make her aware of my presence.

"Good morning Love" I say smiling widely. She looks at me like I have grown two heads and mumbled a good morning in return.

"Anyway, the boss would like to see you. She is upset" she states the last part whispering. I immediately feel my heart drop to my throat.

"Ok" I reply fearing I had lost my job. I kept thinking about the possibilities of what might occur. I was late for the first day and I heard she was a no non sense Bosslady. I couldn't lose my job. I had to feed my family. Angela's fees, the house rents and all. I kept brooding over this until I stomped into someone. I quickly help with the things that fell from the person's hands while apologizing. I looked up only to see a puzzled Mr Patrick.

"Good morning Mr Patrick" I mumbled politely.

"Good morning Mr Matthew. You are late for work. I already explained to you that the boss doesn't tolerate lateness" Mr Patrick says with a stern look. I figured he was upset.

"I'm really sorry sir, I didn't get a bus in time "

"This shouldn't repeat itself again or you may lose your job"

"Understood sir" I nodded in return.

"Well, the boss will like to see you"

My eyes went wide as he informed me. I asked for her office and rushed there in horror of what might happen. I figured she wasn't a nice boss after all.

I opened the door and greeted her shyly "Good morning ma'am " I could be shy sometimes.

"Excuse you?  And who the hell are you?" She shouted.

I went blank and didn't know what to say. I managed to mumble an apology "I'".

"You haven't answered my question yet. I said who are you?"

I felt a little hurt but managed to recover quickly.

"I'm the new Marketer here ma'am"

"So didn't common sense tell you that you are supposed to knock entering a person's office?"

I begin to look for words to say but found none. I just stared blankly at her.

"What a retard!" She retorted under her breath. She sits on her chair that a little comfy and put on a pair of glasses that made her look even more gorgeous. Does this woman look beautiful everyday?

"Why are you late today?" She asks calmly. To be honest, I appreciate her calmness.

"I didn't get a bus in time ma'am" I reply smiling.

"Well I don't appreciate lateness. If you want to work with me, you have to follow the rules. Mr Patrick will give you the rules" she states dryly.

"Thank you ma'am" I reply.

"And yes don't just barge into people's offices anyhow, it's not right" she says rolling her eyes. The way she rolled her eyes only made her more beautiful.

"Noted ma'am"

She stands from her seat to hand me a file. "This file contains the form for appointment.  Fill it and return it back to me OK?"

"Yes ma'am.  I will do just that"

Just as I am about to leave her office she calls back and says "I think you need to start using a good perfume cause even a dumphill smells better than you" she states as a matter of fact.

I just stood dumbfounded.

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