Chapter Twelve

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I'm sorry to late updates
Trust to keep up as fast as I can
Examinations and all got me busy
Ignore silly mistakes and wrong English

Matthew's POV

There was an strange sensation flowing through my body after I walked out of Miel's apartment. I felt like I had committed a grievous sin. I brushed the feeling aside and put a call through to Patrick asking him to meet me at a nearby park. I strolled into the park and kept pacing around. I couldn't get my mind off what happened, I needed someone to talk to. I wouldn't lie to myself but I knew I had some kind of hidden feelings for Miel. We were together for years. "You were together for years, what do you expect?". My subconscious adds and I internally spank myself. I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder, I turned around and was faced with Patrick. We greeted each other in the bro way. We sat on a bench and I thought of how to start the conversation. Then it clicked!.

"So.." Patrick and I said at the same time and we laughed.

"You go first" he urged me. Since what I wanted to ask was quite important, I didn't bother to argue.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend or a woman you really loved?" I squeal looking at him. He turns his head to me looking shocked at my question.

"Well..... I don't know what this is about but I think I have" he says sounding unsure of what to say.

"You think or you know?" I ask smirking. He glared at me. I got the message and decided to drop it.

He nods swiftly and asks "Why did you call me here though?"

"My ex" I answer vaguely. He nods for more explanation and I stared at him blankly. He doesn't nudge and we sit in comfortable silence. After a few minutes, he breaks the silence.

"I need to go now, I've got some things to attend to" I nod in understanding and we shake each other goodbye.  Enjoying the cool weather, I decided to trek home since my house wasn't too far from the park. Settling in, I decided to eat a bunch of banana that I found on the dining table.


Karen's POV

My home is supposed to be a place of solace and rest for me but it seems like that has been defeated. People and places of the past keep hunting me without rest. My nightmares, my panic attacks and so on keep releashing events of my past. Touching a single thing in this house causes a shiver down my spine. I should consider moving out of here, I thought. I did a little work while sipping on my favorite wine. I got tired and decided to put a call through to Julian. She is my only hope of rest right now. She picks at first ring.

"My boss lady" she squeals and I roll my eyes.

"Would you stop calling me that now?" I shrug  even though she can't see me.

"No my dear, it's been a while since I've been at work with you. I miss  the way you shout at your employees and all" she squeals again.

"Can you stop squealing like a three year old or I end the call already?" I ask irritated.

"Oh is miss boss lady getting pissed?" She laughs dramatically and I can't help but laugh back.

"You sure know how to lighten my mood Julian" I sigh.

"I have an idea, how about we go clubbing today or what do you think?" She anticipates for my response.

"I'm in no mood for that" I shrug lightly.

"There you go again" she sounds defeated.

"Come over and stay with me for the night pleaseeee" I beg her

"I'm sorry Karen, I can't. It came at a short notice" she says.

"Why?" I ask getting hints for the reason.

"My boyfriend is...." She tries explaining but I cut her off.

"Don't worry I get it" I end the call abruptly and switch my phone off.

I sigh deeply and start working around my home. I got bored and decided to switch my phone on and browse a little. I open my Whatsapp account and got lots of messages from clients order in for jewelries. I sigh inwardly at the message from Mr Adrian, the CEO of  modeling company who needs my jewelries for his models. I replied by giving a time to hold a meeting and close my WhatsApp. As I am about to sleep, I received a text from the same unknown number .

How have you been 8:14pm
Checking up on you 8:15pm

I dialed the number immediately but was sent to voicemail. I ignore it and try to get some sleep. Thirty minutes later, I woke up from the same nightmare and I start gasping for air. When I finally calm down, I looked around for a glass of water. My hand touches a book, I lift it up and discover it is a bible. I looked at it strangely and remembered it was for my mother. I placed it on my chest and I had a feeling of peace I couldn't explain rush through me.

I'm also happy I got to update
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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