Chapter Nine

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*We can only be happy if we choose to be happy*


After the movie, Julain seemed quiet excited about how the whole movie ended. I also enjoyed the movie but didn't give her a clue about it. I just kept looking for faults in the movie while she praises the lead character in the movie.

"Oh she was so cool. She could have ended up a drug addict if she didn't stand her ground" She squeals.

"Hmm" I hum acting unamused when I'm in fact amused. Julian ignores me and continues.

"Karen..." she calls my name and i flinch because I feel she was going to say something I didn't want to hear.

"I want to you to be that girl" she says with pleading.

I saw that coming!

I shift uncomfortably as she continues.

"I want you to be that courage girl who can stand up for herself and against the worries of her past. You won't move forward if you're still holding on to the past. Please think about it. I'm happy we watched this movie tho" she finally stops.

Well I'm not. I scream mentally.

"Wanna hang at my place?" I say trying to lighten the mood.

"I'm sorry but I got a date later" she winks.

"Collins?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Nahh" she says bored.

"You guys aren't together anymore?" I press further.

"We actually didn't break up officially. We just stopped communicating" she says and shrugs.

"Wow" is all I can say.

"It's nothing bad. I'm moving on already" she says smiling but I can sense the hurt behind that smile. She loved Collins a lot. We ended the conversation and she presses me to find a boyfriend but I simply laugh it off before we went our separate ways.


Getting home, I jumped into my bed like a 10 year old and took my phone to check messages when I saw different messages from an unknown number.

From Unknown;
   How are you doing today? I hope you are good.  12:30pm.

   Hey beauty 1:13pm.

   Reply as soon as possible 2:26pm.

I checked my watch and it read 4:07pm. I replied immediately by asking who the person was. I started browsing in Instagram waiting for a reply before I finally drifted into sleep.


"Mother! Mother! Help me! Mother!" I shouted from my sleep with sweat all over my body. It was a nightmare. Immediately I had a panic attack and I searched everywhere for my drugs but didn't see it. I took my pillow and held on to it as I try to catch my breath. After 30mins, I was finally able to breathe it was just 5am and I couldn't get back to sleep so I check my phone for any message.

From unknown;
    In life, be happy 5:00pm.

I begin to crack my brain on it could be but I couldn't think of anyone. I mean I didn't have friends or families, so who could it be? When I wasn't able to think of anyone, I decided not to reply the message and got ready for work.



Last night....

"So were you able to ask her?" Angela asks me as we eat dinner.

I chew on my food slowly so I wouldn't have to answer but she keeps pressing.

"No Angela" I sigh.

"But why not bro" she pouts.

I shrug in reply not knowing what to say.

"Since when did you become a shy teenage boy?" She whines but I simply roll my eyes.

"Come on tell me everything I need to know" she glares.

"I was going to ask her about it when she said I shouldn't over step my boundaries" I shrug.

"Oh ouch!" She laughs really hard.

"Angela it's not funny at all" I glare at her but she laughs harder.

"She must be a really mean girl while in college" she says within laughter.

I groan in annoyance and leave the table.

"You still gonna ask her bro" Angela shouts back.

I walk into my room and take a simple shower and begin to ponder on how I would ask her to eat lunch with me. It isn't really a hard thing to do. But with Karen, it's a big deal. I thought of texting her but I immediately decide against it. I need to keep this job I thought.

When I was unable to get any sleep, I checked into her Instagram account and began to check her pictures. Oh how gorgeous. I keep checking and checking until my phone rings and I check the caller ID. Mien. And I immediately sprang up pondering on whether I should pick up or not.

Well I agreed I was going to lengthen the chapters but its going to be the subsequent chapters after this.
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