Chapter Seven

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*I have come into the realisation that people come into our lives just to leave us broken*


I saw my uncle quietly walk into my office with heavy dark eyes like he had been crying. He reaches to call my name but I look away.

"Karen....." he almost whispers.

When I didn't reply, he calls again and this time I shout back. "Uncle pls get out of my office" I spit while holding my ears.

I hear him heave a deep sigh. "I'll be back Tomato".

I flinch as he calls me Tomato. I begin to dive into my childhood memories as fresh heavy tears begin to pour. I hear a knock on the door and I quickly clean my face as Mr Matthew practically strolls in. I shot him a glare and he seems to freeze but stays still.

"Its simple. Go back and knock on the door then walk in like my employee" I spat. I can tell he is taken aback by my statement but doesn't say anything but did as I asked.

"Now how can I help you?" I asked with a bored expression searching for nothing on my table.

One minute, no reply.

Next minute, no reply. Then I looked up to see him sweating and my eyes go wide.

"Is everything alright with yo..." I barely even finished my statement that he replied.

"Yes ma'am " and with that he stormed out of the office. What was that for



I helped the man to Karen's office but hoped everything was alright. It was almost lunch and I thought of asking Karen to eat with me. I debated on the idea for a while before finally going for a yes. I knock on the door and walk in. If eyes could kill, I would be dead. She shot me a deadly glare and I stopped right on my tracks though oblivious of the reason.

"It's simple. Go back and knock on the door and walk in like my employee" she practically spat. I was taken aback by it but simply did as she asked.

"Now how can I help you?" I was already shivering by then. I didn't know what to say. It was by nature for me to grow sweaty when I'm nervous. I search for words in my head but found none. Should I be like?

Oh Karen, I find you gorgeous let's eat together. No no, I would totally lose my job.

"Is everything alright with y...." I flinched as I heard her voice.

"Yes ma'am" I didn't know what else to say so I rushed out. I rue going to her office. I really wanted to eat with somebody so I called Love. She had asked me to pay for the food but I didn't mind much.


How can we rewrite the stars say you were made to be mine....

I hear Angela practically blowing the house off with her music as she walks into my room.

"Hey bro" she squeals.

"Hey sis" I shrug.

"Oh come on" she rolls her eyes. I knew she wanted me to tell her about my workplace. She always wanted to know everything. I guess it's an habit. To be honest, I'm fond of it cause it makes me feel loved.

"Well...nothing much just that I wanted to ask Karen to eat lunch  with me but I couldn't" I state dryly.

"" she squeals annoyingly.

"What now!" I spat.

"Calms calms bro. I hadn't said anything yet" she smirks.

"What if you were" I tried to sound annoyed but to be honest I wasn't.

"You like her." She says quickly and run out before I could catch her.

"Angela be warned " I call out to her through the hallways.

I rest my head in my pillow and remembered what Angela said do I really like her? Oh no I couldn't like her. I just find her attractive. My mind wanders back to the question Patrick asked me and my head tilts up immediately. I pondered on the question for a while and I concluded I didn't since the only girl I dated had left the country years back. Miel. I couldn't say we broke cause we never did. We only lost communication but do I still like her? I kept pondering on the question till I finally fell asleep.

I'm sorry for the late update.
It's school and all.
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Tinnie ❤❤

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