Close Work Call (get it)

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James got to work and got a coffee. His job offered free coffee all the time and he ALWAYS helped himself. He sat down with a tall cup and worked on his papers.

He gulped it down and refilled it. Refilled it. Refilled it. It wasn't until he spurted that he realized he REALLY had to pee. At work he wasn't known for pissing himself so he went to his boss to ask. His boss shook his head no apologetically.

"I'm so sorry James but we're in crunch mode. Normally I'd let you go, I really would. I hate it when people are in agony with pee... " His boss said.

So James returned to his seat where he continued to work on papers. His urge grew large. Very large. He ran to his boss this time.

"Still in crunch mode. Can you hold it?" His boss said seeing James face.

James shook his head no squeezing his pants. James couldn't believe this was happening at work too! Ugh!!!!

"Umm... the most I can do is give you a bottle."

James wanted to accept but he'd be quite loud and he was afraid it would be déjà vu. So instead he sat back down and squirmed. Finally he heard his boss say time to go. 

James picked up his stuff and started for home. Two miles in, he got a text from Carisa.

"Hey babe will you pick me up a free coffee from ur job?"

In frustration he typed "yes" and doubled back.

He got her a coffee and tried to use the bathroom there. Thing was, IT WAS FUCKING OUT OF ORDER!

So James went right back home. He gave Carisa the coffee. But she surprised him and make his dick spew a bit.

She yanked down his pants, threw out the coffee and shoved the empty cup underneath his dick. James was utterly confused. Carisa then led him to the bathroom and shut the door. James almost peed right then and there before she walked right back in to press his stomach.

"You know me so well." James said feeling the hot piss go into the cup.

Carisa laughed and shut the door. He filled the cup quickly and switched to the toilet bowl to pee in. He dumped the cup pee in there too and threw the cup itself away.

He finished and went straight to kiss Carisa.

"What's that for?" She blushed.

"Just cuz your the best girlfriend ever!" James said feeling like rainbows.

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