Chapter 5: Love leads to an end

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Not all love stories will end up in a happy ending, not all true love stays forever. She's your great love, but it doesn't mean she's the one for you. Love can hurt but it'll give you a lesson to be a better version of yourself. Break up is not about giving up someone you love, it's also mean you can let her go even if it's hurting you but at the end of the day you will go back together, because love is still there, never gone, never faded. That's fate!. 


Sakura is trembling looking at Chaeyeon's burning eyes. 

"Why did you do that?" Chaeyeon said while glaring at Sakura.

"D-do what?" The cherry blossom takes her courage to answer back.

"Kissing me in public and in front of Minju, you know that is so fucking embarrassing. And you're here? I told you that I need time and don't you ever follow me because I need time for myself, but here you are." Chaeyeon burst her frustration out.

Sakura was surprised, this is the first time she saw Chaeyeon hysterically mad at her. 

"What now?? I came here to settle everything, but what do I get? You shouted at me. I can't believe this." Sakura answered back, she also out of control her emotions took over herself. And her ego affects me really hard.

"I never told you to follow me here, I need time for myself and you can't give me that?" Chaeyeon frustratingly said.

"Time for yourself? Or time for entertaining someone behind my back?" 

"What?? We both know that even if you don't have time for me, I never entertained someone to cover up the time that you are supposed to be given to me." Chaeyeon slowly loses her composure. 

"But you do!! I saw it with my two eyes, the way you smiled towards her, saying something different, '' Chae." Sakura yielded to her lover.

"So now!! You accused me of things that I didn't do? WOW!! Just wow. I am not the one who kissed her so-called best friend behind her girlfriend's back." Chaeyeon sarcastically shouted while gritting her teeth.

"W-What??" Sakura is confused about what Chaeyeon means.

"Do you think I am dumb not knowing that you and Hyewon had relationship way back in our college days? When at first place you were committed to me?" The pain in Chaeyeon's eyes is now visible, remembering the past gave her a heartache.

"C-hae!! I-it's just-" Sakura was cut off when Chaeyeon let go of her emotions.

"It's just what? It's just you feel bored with me? That's why flirting with Hyewon makes you feel thrilled? Thrill of what? Yeah!! It is thrilling looking at both of you kissing out of nowhere, not minding someone caught you." Chaeyeon shouts at Sakura, her lips are shivered because of how she made remembering the past.

"I didn't mean to do that to you ok! We're just too young back then. And besides she's my best friend. You know that I love you right?."

" If you love me? Why is it hard for you to at least give a little bit of your time to me? I understand that you love your work, that's your passion but why do I feel that I look like an option to you? You spend a lot of your time playing with them rather than giving time for me. Why do I feel like you just need me if you're in your darkest days but after you'll be ok? I look invisible again. " 

"It's not true..I 'm always here! We're living together, I'm always beside you Chae. You just overreact about the thing, because you're jealous of Hyewon. For pity sake Chae, I am not cheating at you. That's why you're getting revenge? Through that actress Chae!!"

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