Kang Yeosang - Chapter 3

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He smiled sweetly, "You really don't know who I am, right?" You raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what he meant by that. You've never seen Yeosang before-- you would remember someone as beautiful as him. 

"No, I don't... Am I supposed to?" you asked him confused. He shook his head and held your hand to lead you into the gardens. Something clicked as he led you through the entrance, he knew your name already! He's been calling you by your name and he has never met you before. Suddenly worried about who you were going on a date with, you began to ask him questions. 

"So do you always just wait around that corner to save someone's life in case they are not paying attention?" you asked. He looked up at you and furrowed his eyebrows.

"No, it was only by chance that I saw that you were about to be run over by a car. What was so interesting on your phone that you couldn't pay attention?" he said with an angry tone. You stared at him, he can be so blunt! His comments always stunned you a bit, but you couldn't help but think maybe there was a reason behind it all. 

"Yeosang-- I am so embarrassed by that! I am usually so careful, but I got lost listening to a song. I was looking down on my phone to change the setting and-- put the song on repeat," you looked down ashamed. He stopped walking under a magnificent tree, you look up to stare at its height and marvel at its flowers. You heard a click of a camera and lowered your eyes to Yeosang, who was taking a picture of you. He was staring intently into his phone, his sunglasses still covering his beautiful eyes. "You're absolutely stunning in this picture, Y/N. You look--" his voice broke off and you walked towards him. He was sitting under the tree on a bench, you scooted to be next to him and looked over his phone to check out the picture. 

He locked his phone so you couldn't see and raise an eyebrow at you. "Nah, ah, ah," he softly said, "For my eyes only." You raised your arm and reached to take out his sunglasses. He allowed you to do it and winked at you. You instantly felt the warmth on your cheeks and you almost regretted taking the sunglasses off. "I'll be keeping these for the rest of the time. I like seeing your eyes," you said smiling. Now it was his turn to blush, he hid behind his hands before his cool demeanor came back. 

"Will you tell me now how you know me?" you asked him. He shook his head and ran his hand over his hair--clearly uncomfortable. "Y/N, I don't know you, know you. I've only heard about you. I'm surprised my name isn't familiar at all. Wooyoung hasn't talked to about me to you?"

That's when you froze. Wooyoung was your boyfriend of a year now, and he has never mentioned Yeosang before. Your eyes widen as you realized that this "date" can potentially get to Wooyoung ears. You swallowed hard.

"I am Wooyoung's best friend," he reiterated. 

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