Chapter 8

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"We're through Wooyoung. I hope you are happy with your many girlfriends, and I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy," you said sadly. You leaned down to kiss his head, and then his lips one last time. "I will always love you," you whispered in his ear. Wooyoung tried to hold on to your legs, but you stepped away from him. You grabbed Yeosangs' hand and pulled him away from that house, from Wooyoung, from your past.

"Take me home, Yeo," you said. He followed you to his car, and he opened the door for you as you slid in quickly. Your eyes were full of tears, and you hugged yourself tightly. You tried your best to make yourself as small as possible in Yeosang's passenger seat. You leaned against the window, and you saw Wooyoung still kneeling in front of his house. His eyes met yours, unbeknownst to him, since Yeosangs' windows were tinted really dark. You wanted to prolong this final moment with Wooyoung. Your tears spilled out, but you didn't look away. After years of dating, this chapter in your life was ending. You knew you would never be able to forgive him—not for a long time, at least. You started to miss him terribly, even if he was feet away from you. You reached to lower the car window, but a hand on your shoulder stopped you. You snapped your head around at the sudden touch.

"Y/N?" Yeosang murmured. "Are you okay?" His deep-voiced timbered throughout the quiet car, and it sent a shiver down your spine. You looked back at the front porch. Wooyoung had gotten up and was standing there, waiting for something to happen.

"How can I be, Yeosang? I loved him so much. What am I going to do now?" you told him. Yeosang gave you a look, and he leaned in towards you. Your cheeks flushed red, and you thought he was going to kiss you. Was he really going to kiss you after you broke up with your boyfriend?

He grabbed ahold of the seat belt and buckled you in. The sudden deja vu made your head spin, and you barely heard his next words. "I don't know, but the next part won't be east," Yeosang said.

"The next part?" You asked, confused. 

"Moving on. That's the hardest part to do—getting over someone, I mean," he replied. You sat there in silence as he turned on the car and drove off. You didn't want to look back at Wooyoung, but you did. You guys stared at each other until you couldn't see him anymore, and then you released a loud sigh before sobbing. You hiccuped and cried loudly, and you wiped away your face with a handkerchief from your pocket. You unfolded it in front of you, and you noticed it was the one Wooyoung gave you a long time ago. You fingered his initials embroidered along the edge. You wiped away your tears with it again, and then you pushed it deep inside your purse.

"Yeo, we already passed my house. Wait, do you even know where I live?" You turned to look at him, and he shook his head no. He pulled up suddenly into a house you didn't recognize, and you started to panic. "Yeo! What the hell? Why are you always kidnapping me?" You exclaimed to him. He smiled coolly, and he turned to look at you.

"I know you're in pain, and I don't want you to be alone tonight. Will you stay here? It's my home," he asked sweetly. You raised your eyebrows, and you didn't know how to react. Would he take you home if you asked? It dawned to you that perhaps being alone at home wasn't ideal, and you nodded your head.

"Okay, I'll stay. But do you have a guest room where I can stay? I don't want to impose," you asked. He smirked and got off the car to open the door for you.

"Yes, I have a guest room, but you're staying in my room," he said as he wrapped his hand over yours. He led you into his home, and your face wouldn't stop feeling warm. He led you into his room and sat you down on his bed. He moved to the other side of the bed, and then he wrapped his arms around your waist— bringing you against his chest. "Don't worry. I'll be sleeping in the guest room. My bed is just more comfortable to sleep in," Yeosang whispered in your ear. " I'll stay here until you fall asleep, okay?" he said. Yeosang laid his head on yours, and you cuddled up with him. For just a brief moment, you felt safe. And you didn't remember the long and bad day you've had. But, then you did— and the tears started flowing again. You sniffed, and your shoulders shook with each sob you let out. Yeosang was there to wipe your tears, and he petted your head soothingly.

"Let it all out, sweetheart. Sangie's got you."

Kang Yeosang in the Piercing AngelWhere stories live. Discover now