Chapter 7

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This time it was your turn to collapse to the ground. You fell on your back, and your entire world wouldn't stop moving. You were so dizzy, so you raised your hands to hold your head in place. So many things were happening, and you couldn't keep it in any longer. All the stress, anger, and worry that was pent up inside your finally overtook you. You let out a loud sob and began to cry. Yeosang and Wooyoung knelt on either side of you, and they tried to comfort you. Yeosang brought your head to lay on his lap, and Wooyoung held your hands tightly.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I didn't know how it happened. I was weak, and I allowed it to happen," Wooyoung said remorsefully. He looked down at you with tears in his eyes. He was trying to understand what had happened.

"I didn't want you to find out this way, Y/N," Yeosang continued. "I told Wooyoung that he had to tell you, but he didn't want to. He was scared to lose you." You tilted your head up to look at Yeosang. He was frowning, and you realized that betraying his friend wasn't easy for him either. You suddenly sat up and looked from Wooyoung to Yeosang. Two hearts, two souls that love you so much, and now everything has changed. One of them, you loved back, but he betrayed your heart. The other heart was new and willing to love you better. But will your heart be willing to open up its doors? Who had the key to your heart?

"I need a moment," you said. You tried to get up, but with the dizziness still prevalent, you fell right back down on your butt. Wooyoung reached to help you, but your glare stopped him in his tracks. Yeosang put his arms under your armpits and stood you up carefully. He released you carefully, but not before he lifted your chin to look into his soft brown eyes.

"Are you okay?" Yeosang whispered. You gave him a small nod and walked to the front porch, where you sat down and tried to gather your thoughts. Wooyoung was so worried about losing you, and that's why he started to talk rather loudly.

"It only happened a few times, you know, I mean we didn't go as far as sleeping together, but we did kiss and make out a few times. I-- I met her through Yeosang actually," Wooyoung stopped talking and stared at Yeosang curiously. Yeosang avoided his gaze and stared intently at you. "But, I told her we couldn't be doing that anymore because I had a girlfriend that I love, and I couldn't do that to her."

"But, you did Wooyoung. You allowed her to meet you and kiss you, right?" you asked him. Wooyoung swallowed hard and looked shamefully to his feet.

"I did, and I am so sorry, but please don't leave me," Wooyoung said. He started walking towards you, but Yeosang grabbed his arm to stop him.

"I don't think you should get near her ever again," Yeosang growled. Wooyoungs' eyes grew wide, and then in a desperate attempt to maintain his innocence, he attacked Yeosang.

"You! You were the one who introduced me to that girl," he said as he grabbed Yeosang by the collar. "Did you pay her to seduce me? Does she owe you a favor? You told her to come after me so that you can have Y/N all to yourself, didn't you! DIDN'T YOU!" Wooyoung pounded against his chest, but Yeosang managed to get a hold of him.

"Wooyoung, you're embarrassing yourself. Tell her the truth, or I will," Yeosang said firmly. He shook his head in fear and pleaded to Yeosang.

"Please, please, don't make me tell her," Wooyoung said. Suddenly, Yeosang snapped and half-carried half-dragged Wooyoung towards you. Yeosang knelt him down on his knees in front of you and placed his hand on Wooyoungs shoulder so he wouldn't get up.

"Tell her," Yeosang growled again. Wooyoung was sobbing and he kept shaking his head in denial. But, he managed to collect himself and you couldn't believe the words he uttered next.

"I cheated on you, but it wasn't with just the girl Yeosang introduced me with. I've had another girlfriend-- I dated her for five years. We're still dating," Wooyoung said as more tears started to roll down his cheeks. Your eyes were wet with tears, but you had had enough of all this sadness. You stood up and looked down at Wooyoung.

"We're through Wooyoung. I hope you are happy with your many girlfriends, I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy," you said sadly. You leaned down to kiss his head, and then his lips one last time. "I will always love you," you whispered in his ear. Wooyoung tried to hold on to your legs but you stepped away from him. You grabbed Yeosangs' hand and pulled him away from that house, from Wooyoung, from your past.

"Take me home, Yeo," you said.

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