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TW: Implications of suicide, go ahead and skip to the word "Gasp" if you're uncomfortable with these types of things. (I apologise for the inconvenience)

It was all he saw.

He felt like he was falling but he was too tired to let out a cry for help.

Eventually he landed, it didn't hurt so he didn't mind it.

He looked around, all he saw were mirrors, all facing towards him.

But he didn't see his own reflection.

Instead it was a red figure in military clothing. The figure had a wide grin showing it's jagged teeth.

It was slowly lifting it's right arm up, pistol in hand. And he found himself doing the same. The pistol was lifted directly next to his head but he couldn't stop.

What's happening?
Why can't I-

Before he could finish that thought, the trigger was pulled.

Germany quickly opened his eyes, he could feel his glasses on his head so he readjusted them slightly. He blinked a couple of times and squinted to let his eyes adjust to the darkness of the room.

'Where am I?' He thought to himself, he scanned the room a bit before realizing that he was sitting on a couch in his living room. He let out a sigh of relief that he was in some place familiar. The place stinks of alcohol, but the german couldn't care less.

He looked around some more noticing that the TV was still on, showing some sort of hockey match that he didn't care too much about. In front of it was a coffee table, littered with cans of beer. There were even cans of beer on the floor along with several bottles of vodka. Next to all of that was Russia sleeping on a chair, to be blunt, he looked horrible. And there was no way that the sleeping position he's in was good for him.
Germany decided to get up and help his friend before he felt something heavy on his lap. He looked down only to see Poland sleeping, his mouth was opened slightly and drooling a little.
He let out a frustrated sigh before lifting Poland's head slightly so he could get up.
The smaller country mumbled something he couldn't hear, but he wasn't about to linger on that. He walked over to his bedroom upstairs making sure to be as quiet as he possibly can.
He entered the room and looking over his desk. It's still covered in documents and binders, he should really organize more often. Germany was about to sit down before he felt a slight headache, 'How much did I drink?' He ponders to himself. Knowing the headache will most likely get worse in the morning, he decides to go shower instead of work.

He walked into the shower, twisting the knob only to immediately jump back once the freezing water touched his skin. He seemed to have completely forgotten that the water boiler was broken, but he was too tired at this point so he just took an ice cold shower. After he was done he stepped out, shivering from the cold water, and wrapped himself in a towel. He stared blankly into the mirror. He saw himself, still dripping a bit of water, dark circles clearly showing. 'Maybe I should take care of myself more.' He thought before walking away and out of the bathroom.
He grabbed a sweater out of his closet and slipped it over his head, along with a pair of baggy sweat pants. He decides to check his phone seeing 17 missed facetimes from Switzerland. The Swiss has always preferred to facetime rather than just call normally, this annoyed Germany more than it probably should have and he definitely wasn't in the mood to talk to Switzerland. But an idea popped into his head that changed his expression from a frown to a sly smirk. He tapped the call button and waited for the other to respond. It took around ten seconds for the phone to stop ringing.

"Guten tag, Schweiz." Germany said with the biggest shit eating grin possible.
"...Deutschland it's 3 am, what the fuck?"
The german could see the other through the screen. Switzerland was in his bed and he looked pretty pissed.
"That's what you get for calling me 17 times in a row."
"You're awful. I swear, the next time I see you I'm gonna kick your head in. Also, you look terrible."
"Danke." Germany replied sarcastically.
"Have you been out drinking again?"
"No." The german replied flatly.
"That's not the point, why'd you call earlier?"
"Just needed a package but it doesn't matter, good nigh-"
"Wait, what package?"
"Can't we talk about this tomorrow?" The Swiss avoided the question, not wanting to put up with Germany anymore.
"I just want to know so I could look for it ahead of time so you won't get mad at me later for not having it."
"Sigh... Fine, it's just some package that UN should've sent to you two weeks ago. A package for work in the chemistry field."
"Wha- I don't- I work in the economical and environmental field. Aren't you supposed to be doing all the medical and chemistry stuff?"
Germany stumbled on his words slightly.
Switzerland groaned before talking again.
"If you don't have it then it doesn't matter, you're useless as always." He mumbled the last part.
"Gee, thanks."
"You're welcome and good night."
Before Germany could interrupt, the Swiss had already hung up.
Germany sighed, he looked over to his working desk thinking that he should probably finish off a few documents but his headache only got worse.

He really needs to stop his drinking habit.

Hi! Thank you for reading this far.
This is the first fanfiction I've ever written, so I'm sorry if it's bad. :/
This chapter probably feels really lengthy and boring but I can't help myself to add in the little unnecessary details.
Anyways, thank you again :)

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