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Poland lightly tapped on Germany's shoulder grabbing the other's attention. Germany lifted his head from his phone slightly to see the LED screen projecting the name of their destination. The german quickly shoved the phone into his pocket and got up.

Both walked outside the station seeing people walking along sidewalks. Families, couples, friends, all looked lively and cheerful, then Germany turned towards his friend.
The shorter replied simply. Which prompted the two to start walking. Poland rarely ever visit Switzerland so he mostly clung to Germany.

  "What if he's not home?" Poland asked just in case.
"He's definitely home, it's Saturday."
"Doesn't he have an alien plant to deal with?"
"He only goes there from 12 to 22."
"How do you know all this?"
"For one to avoid another, one must know their schedule." Germany faked an over the top British accent which caused his friend to snicker quietly.
"So, you went through all the trouble to find out his schedule just so you could avoid him."
"More or less, siblings are always complicated."
"Heh, true."

Soon the two stop in front of a porch of a small white house. The german walked up and press on the door bell for a few seconds to hear light but steady foot steps approach the door. The door slowly creaked open until a small figure could be seen peeking from behind.
"Oh, it's just you." Switzerland sighed in relief, opening the door fully.
"Come in." He left the door open so the two could go inside. But there was something that Germany immediately notice something about his brother, the dark circles under his eyes, the way he limps when he walks and the way that he keeps clenching his right hand on his left wrist.

"Are you okay? I mean- how are you doing lately?" Germany asked nervously.
"I'm okay? Just tired... like the usual."
"Österreich told me, he said you were sick." Germany explained, he was sincerely concerned for the other. While Poland silently stands by the doorway awkwardly watching.
Switzerland only stared back blankly, blinking a couple of times before realising what German was talking about.
"Well... I'm not. Not sick I mean."
"So.. you lied."
"You're saying as if you hadn't done it before."
"Do you know how freaked out he was?!" The german shouted causing the others to flinch a little.
"He doesn't car-"
"Yes. He fucking. Does." Germany paused between his words in attempt to emphasise his point.
"Also why is he here?" Switzerland pointed to Poland whose hands were wrapped around his torso, shifting uncomfortably.
"Stop. Avoiding. My point." Germany was getting angrier and angrier by the minute.
"This is about family."
"THAT'S WHY HE STAYS!!" Germany's eyes were glowing and the red of his flag was taking over, he had never been so furious in his entire life.
Poland swallowed his saliva silently and hesitantly reached for the door handle, he wanted to escape.

"So what? You're just picking up strays now?"
"Don't you fucking dare call him a stray." Germany's voice lowered just a little.
Poland's breathing was getting heavier, he had never seen this side of his friend or at least the last time... it's wasn't Germany.
"M-maybe I should just... leave." The pole said, avoiding any form of eye contact possible.
"NO!!" Germany whipped his head around with his voice fully raised, the red of his flag completely covered his face.
The pole's eyes widened, tears threatening to fall down his face. He quickly turned the door knob and ran out. As soon as he was far enough away, his wings appeared and he flew off.
"Polen!! WAIT!" Germany started to run only to be stopped by Switzerland grabbing his arm.
"Stop, he's already been through enough with you."
Germany immediately pulled his hand away.
"Fuck off. And we're sorting this shit out later."
"No, we're doing it over text. You're just gonna yell at me again." 
"No. I'm coming back here, and you're going to talk."

Germany sped walked out the door, slamming it shut after leaving. He scanned around the district looking for any trace of his friend. He noticed a trail of white feathers left along the streets, they looked way too big to be from any common bird. That only meant one thing,


Germany ran after the trail hoping to find the smaller at the end of it. He was worried, extremely worried. The feeling of guilt was washing over him already. Soon he heard small familiar gasps and sobs coming from an alley way. He took a turn and saw Poland sitting down, back against a wall, hugging his legs tightly. He was shaking rather violently, breaths shaking just a bit too much. Tears were flowing down his face over his gritted teeth. He hadn't noticed the german yet.

"Polen?" Germany uttered quietly.
"NO! STOP! GET AWAY FROM ME, PLEASE!!" He voice cracked several times in fear while even more tears flowed down.
"Polen, look at me."
Poland's breaths were still ragged and heavy, he only responded by hastily backing away further into the alley.
"Look at me." Germany said in a gentle yet sturdy tone.
"I-I am."
"What colours do you see?"
"Bl-black, red... a-and yellow..." His breathing slowed down ever so slightly, he was beginning to calm down.
"I'm not him." Germany walked approached the shaking friend slowly.
"He's not here, he's dead." He said as he took another step forward.
"He will never come back and I won't let him hurt you ever again. I'm sorry." Germany knelt down reaching out a hand. Poland hesitantly took it, gripping it tightly. His hands were as cold as ice. Germany pulled him up slowly, getting Poland to stand up. And pulled him into an embrace. The smaller was surprised at first but soon hugged back.

"Pr-promise. Promise me you won't ever let go." His words subtly shook, digging his fingers into Germany's coat, hugging his friend tighter.


I know this one's long but it's kind of my way of saying sorry because I haven't updated in so long. Thank you for waiting and thanks for reading, more updates soon. :)

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