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He stood still.
The sounds of gunshots and explosions were deafening, but nothing could lessen the noise of people's screams and cries.
However, none of this seems to faze him. All that terror was just a quiet muffle to him.

The thing that stood out most was his friend being dragged and beaten. Calling- no- Screaming for his help. But all he could do was watch as tear drops rolled down his face.

"Niemcy!!" The smaller gasped and cried out. His body covered in his own blood.

"Niemc-" His friend screamed once more, only to be cut off when he was sliced apart. The more he heard the small coughs and gasps, the worse he felt and the more he sobbed.

Germany's eyes shot open, still breathing quickly. His hand clenched on his chest where heart would be before calming down slightly and placing his head in his hands.
"Are you okay?" He looked up at the familiar voice to see Poland, a concerned expression spread across his face.
"I mean, when I came in you were sleeping so I didn't want wake you up but then you started crying.." Poland explained.
Germany raised his hand slightly, signalling the other to stop.
"I'm fine." He said as he wiped his face with his other hand.
"Are you sure? You can talk about it if you want.." Poland sat down next to the taller one.
"I'm serious, I'm fine."

Germany raised his head remembering that he's still in the hospital room with Switzerland lying completely still on the bed. He toughed it out and started to grab his belongings, ready to leave.
"Where are you going?" The pole asked.
"To the lab. And.. I could use some company." He said before lightly smiling at his friend.
"Good, 'cause I'm not letting you go all alone!" Poland fake pouted.

"So, why are you going exactly?" The smaller asked, both walking to the patient's house.
"To see the recorded files on the lab's computer, there must be something on the substance's whereabouts on there."

Some time later the duo arrive at the facility. The taller felt chills running down his spine before he opened the door and headed inside. They both walk down the familiar long hallway, the first day he came in to watch the plant felt just like yesterday to the german. Except this time the already silent lab seemed even more lifeless. They then found the chamber the plant was kept in.
'It's just as quiet and dark as it used to be,' the german thought.
Poland pressed of the light switches making a small clicking sound when all the lights started turning on. While Germany quickly turned on the computer and started to rapidly click on any file possible until eventually he found the logs that Switzerland had made, regarding the plant. Most of it seems pretty normal and, frankly, boring. Everything on the log states everything that Germany had already known about the plant and there's nothing about where the project had disappeared to.
"Dead end." The german sighed.
"Maybe we could go look at his house?" Poland suggested.
"We're invading his house again?"
"Come on, this is for your economical wellbeing." The smaller said before turning off the lights. Germany reluctantly complied by giving a small nod. He stuck in a memory stick and saved the logs before leaving the lab behind.

The two took a taxi and was now waiting to get to the house. Then the german felt his phone vibrating from his pocket. He grabbed it and saw it was EU. He had been ignoring this guy's calls for a while now but since he wasn't in a bad mood he decided to answer.
"Why haven't you been answering my calls?" Eu asked in a playful tone.
"I've been busy, what is it?"
"Why are you so pissy? Don't worry, I got an earful from daddy too." Still in a playful tone, this bastard.
"This isn't about UN."
"Oh? Didn't he say you were going to be fined?"
"Yes, but that doesn't matter. Just tell me why you called." Germany's patience was wearing thin.
"I'm just here as a reminder that you only have two months left before UN cuts your resources in half." EU taunted.
Germany immediately hung up not wanting to deal with this jackass anymore.

"Are you okay?" Germany turned to the source of the voice to see Poland, he was clearly very concerned.
"I'm... okay." It took the taller a second to think of a good response.
"If you insist." The pole went back to staring down at his feet.

They both arrive at the house again, the sight of this entrance already made Germany a little tense. The german pulled out the spare key he got from Austria and unlocked the door, making a quiet click. The door creaked opened allowing the light from the outside to seep in.
Germany immediately went towards the working space as Poland quickly followed.
The desk was slightly covered in dust, though it was mostly organised, a stark contrast to the german's desk. There was a book sitting on the table, completely opened. The handwriting seemed a bit scratchy but still illegible. Germany started reading the page the book was on, dusting it a little.

'Date: xx/xx/xx

     I can't tell whether I'm asleep or awake. My mind is as crowded as ever. It is impossible for me to think clearly. I can't close my eyes without falling asleep from exhaustion, but these nightmares just won't go away. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. I have to find out what's happening.'

"That's... something." The pole started.
"Let's flip back a bit further and maybe he might've written about the project?"
Germany responded by turning the book back a couple pages.

'Date xx/xx/xx

      The project has been canceled. But I was so close to a break-through, I'm sure of it. I decided to take it back home in order to keep an eye on it. The persistent nightmares are still slowing me down but with a little time, I think I'll make a discovery.'

"There! At least now we know it's here." Poland exclaimed sounding rather hopeful.
"Where do you think he kept it?" The pole turned to his friend waiting for a response.
"I could only think of the basement so we can go have a look at that."

"Neat! We can get this done in no time!" Poland smiled brightly giving hope to the german.

"Yeah, I think so too."

Sorry for neglecting this book for such a long time. I've not really been as motivated to create stuff relating to this fandom for a good few months now, but hopefully I can get back to finishing this book. I saw people asking if gerpol was cannon in this book. My answer? It's not. But if you want to imagine them that way then I don't really mind. I've ranted on enough, here's a well-deserved chapter for the people who've been so patient and thank you for reading!

Nightmare roots// [countryhumans fanfic] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now