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'7:45 pm.'
"How many shots do you think Bulharsko can take before he passes out?" Slovakia started.
"I bet 50 for 5 shots."
"What?! This is plain bullying!" Bulgaria attempted to defend himself.

The car was filled with laughter as Germany sat silently staring at his own feet. As it turns out, the meeting was actually hosted in some remote place that was too far for any train station to reach so Poland had the bright idea to carpool with the slavs or at least the ones that he's close to. Which meant that Germany had to be squished into an average-sized car along with 5 other people who probably hate him or at least are disgusted by him. And despite the others being relatively small compared to him, claustrophobia still manages to find it's way into the german's brain.
  "Are you okay?" The pole lightly whispered, just loud enough for his shaking friend to hear him.
"I'm- It's.. fine." Germany answered lightly.

'8:07 pm.'
"I feel ..sick." The german said as soon as he stepped out of the car. Poland looked over a little concerned.
"Uh.. You guys go on ahead, I'm gonna help Niemcy find the toilet." The smaller quickly grabbed the other's wrist before walking off.

The pole finally found a small building that had a very obvious toilet sign on it. Poland got out of the way, pushing the door to let the other in before getting in himself. The german got into one of the stalls and shut the door before his tolerance completely gave up on him.
"I am, so, so very sorry for putting you through that. I didn't think that you'd be so uncomfortable with them, I just- sigh I don't know?" Poland ranted on and on apologising.
"It's fine." Germany replied, opening the stall.
"Let's just get inside, they're probably worried about you." The taller muttered.

Both walk back to the entrance, Poland grabbing the door open for the both of them. The immediate moment they stepped in they were greeted with a large dim room with flashing lights and music lightly playing in the background.
"Hey guys! Glad you could make it!" The American shouted out handing them a glass of some mysterious drink.
"Isn't this supposed to be a world meeting?" The pole was completely bewildered while Germany was just too sick and tired to deal with any of this.
"Well, in the wise words of the peace keeper himself that I am very unprofessional. So to hell with formality 'cuz I threw a party instead and everyone on planet earth is invited."
"Aren't you meant to be discussing your relations with the other countries??"
"Uh... We'll get to that later, for now just enjoy yourselves!" After America ended he walked off to welcome the other guests.
"You gonna be alright on your own?" Poland looked over to his friend.
"I'll be fine.."

'9:35 pm.'
The 'meeting' was in full swing as everyone who was invited and decided to attend arrived. Germany, being as introverted as he is, does what any anti-social person would and just stand in the corner pretending to text someone. America lightly nudged the other, "Hi." He said as he smiled.
"...Hi." The german replied.
"You good? You look really down."
"I'm okay just- unpleasant car ride."

"Hey Ame!" Both look up to see Austria, slightly shouting over the music.
"Hi! Glad you're here, where's Switz?"
"Oh, he texted me a bit ago, he said he's sick. Speaking of him, Deustchland, can we talk?"
"...Uh- okay?"

After the small exchange, Austria brought Germany outside of the building and he started.
"What did you do to Schweiz?"
"What do you mean?"
"You poisoned him didn't you?!" Austria shouted, finger pointing at the other.
"Excuse me? You have literally no evidence of this claim, he just said he was sick. This doesn't mean anything."
"The only person he's been spending time with the past month was you."
"Because of the project? Ever thought about that? And why would I even do such a thing."
"Because you're jealous that he has everything you don't."
"Oh please, Me? Envious of Schweiz? No way. And even if I was, I wouldn't kill him. Aren't we supposed to love each other, to be a family??"
Germany was angry, no he was furious. To ever be accused of killing someone when all he's done his entire life was good deeds to hopefully make up for what his ancestors did.
"Listen Deustchland, We are not a family. And even if we are, we're the most dysfunctional one there is."
Germany stood in shock as Austria just started to comprehend what he just said.

"...I- have to go." Germany said before he ran off.
"Deustchland! Wait!!" Austria started going after him, but he was much slower than the other causing him to lose sight of Germany. As the taller disappeared into the woods.

Germany ran off into the forest nearby, he wasn't thinking about his final destination. He just wanted to escape. 'I should've never agreed to come here, I should've never left the house!' Were the only thoughts running through his head. And soon he had to come to a halt to catch his breath. He panted heavily and coughed several times as he used he hand to cover his mouth. As soon as he removed it all he saw on his palm was small black splatters.


Here's another chapter as I promised. Thank you for all of the support everyone has given to this book. Thanks for reading. :)

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