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Noises of gunshots were all he could hear until he heard screaming from far away. He could recognise it, it was a friend he knew. But before he could open his eyes, the sounds faded away. He opened his eyes and he was in his home, his old home. Everything was blurry. And then,


Something sliced through him, cutting him in half. He was in shock, everything he tried to do didn't work. He couldn't move, he couldn't speak. All he could do was watch as the colours faded away.

Germany quickly opened his eyes, his body was still shaking. 'What.. was that?' He ponders to himself. But he soon realised there was more to think about than some dumb nightmare. He was still in the middle of the woods in some place he has never even been to. He wasn't scared, he was too tired from everything from yesterday. He reached into his bag to grab his cellphone, hands still shaking ever so slightly. He ran his fingers through the contacts to find his friend, Poland.

'Calling: Polen.'
The phone rang out for around 20 seconds, and before the german was about to give up and accept his fate, the other answered.
"O mój Boże! Where on planet earth have you been?!" The smaller yelled through the phone so loudly that the taller had to move it away from his face.
"I'm sorta lost, in the woods, somewhere.."
"Well, I know that part. It's just- I'm worried about you, really am. You keep doing these thing that I genuinely don't want you to."
"Sorry, it was uh- impulse."
"No, it's not your fault. Austria came by last night, told me everything."
"Wait- everything?"
"It doesn't matter just stay where you are, I'm coming with Serbia."
"Alright... Sorry." And the other hung up.

After around 20 minutes of Germany sitting around, picking at grass. He heard a sound of a car engine. He stood up from his position to see Serbia driving an old looking car with Poland in the passenger seat. The instant they stopped, Poland ran out of the car to come check up on the other.
"Is everything okay? Are you hurt?"
"No, no I'm fine." The german reassured the pole.
"Let's just go." He said as he dragged Germany into the car. The car ride was just awkward silence for around ten minutes, which made the german realise that he wasn't actually in much danger since he wasn't far from town. Poland on the other hand was still extremely concerned and upset, not only did Germany disappear without a warning, a text or literally anything at all. Now he's also not explaining himself, but he figured he'd talk about it later in a private space.

Soon they arrive back at Poland's house where reluctantly took a shower and changed his clothes as his friend strongly insisted. Though, what Poland said earlier wasn't what he wanted to hear. 'Austria told me everything.' That's what he remembered, and if Austria really did tell him everything that would be bad news since there were still somethings that the german wanted to keep private to himself and his family.
Germany put on some clothes Poland lent him and walked out of the bathroom. He saw the smaller scrolling through something on his laptop.
"Polen?" Germany started to grabbed the other's attention.
"Hm?" Poland hummed in response.
"What did Österreich tell you?"
"He just said you two had a fight, he said something stupid and you ran off. Why do you ask?"
"No reason, just wondering. Oh, I'm gonna go see Schweiz by the way." He said as he walks towards the door.
"I'm coming with." Poland continued, shutting down his laptop. And off they go to the train station.

They didn't really talk about anything during the walk, it was just pure silence in between the both of them. Germany was secretly worried about his brother but a part of him did really believe he was fine. Either way he going to go check up on him.
"Deustchland!" A familiar voice was heard shouting for Germany, he looked up and saw no one other than Austria.
"Deustchland, I'm so sorry about what I said. Look, I would never accuse you of murder especially against Schweiz." Austria quickly started, extremely defensive.
"Lie number 1." Germany saw right through him. Despite not being an expert in people, his old man did teach him a thing or two about interrogation.
"Okay maybe, but I didn't mean what I said about the whole not being a family thing-"
"Lie number 2. Österreich, I really don't care if you mean it or not. I know you don't like me, and I really don't mind if you think all of those things."
"No- listen. I was being rash, I don't know what came over me. I used to able to control myself and I don't know what happened last night. I guess I'm just sorry for lashing out like that."
"It's... fine." Germany replied before walking off. Austria was about to go after him but at this point, he didn't really have the heart to do so.

"Okay, now I'm really concerned. What did you two even fight over?" Poland walked a little faster to catch up to his friend.
"It's a long story I'd not like to tell." Germany avoided the question.
"And why did you even forgive him, all of what he said just sounded a really bad excuse for cheating on someone."
"You know what they say, 'forgive and forget.' Besides it doesn't even really matter. But it was kinda weird of him though, he's usually much calmer."

They eventually arrived at the train station and got on a train to see Switzerland. Germany pulled out his phone and texted his brother to tell him he was coming over while Poland silently stared out the window. Neither of them felt like talking so both stayed silent until they've reached their destination.

Here's another part done. There was going to be more but it was getting too long so I'm going to cut it. Thank you for all of the comments in the last part and I'll be getting more out soon. Thanks for reading this far. :)

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