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Germany and Switzerland shouted in sync the instant they heard EU's 'ridiculous' request.

"It's just for a little while.. besides I'm sure you'll both gain great experiences from taking care of the plant."
"Excuse me, but you expect me to work with him." Switzerland pointed at Germany, he was furious. Not only did EU cancel the most recent meeting without telling anyone properly, he's also making two of the least cooperative people he has contact with work together? Sometimes the german really wonders what went so wrong when he and several other countries created him. Nevertheless, they didn't have a choice, it was inevitable.

"And you did say that you could use some help on the plant in your little digital diary."
"First, it's not a diary. Second, how on this green earth, did you manage to find that?"
"You're not the only one to use the lab y'know." EU pointed at the Swiss's chest, still keeping up that permanent smirk.
"Would you care to be more specific?" The Swiss glared right back, relatively unhappy that EU will not stop messing with his belongings. Germany really doesn't know how to react at this point, should he be happy, sad, angry. Gosh, he wished that he could just take back what he said back then about how 'EU's going the most efficient and hardworking member of our family now.' And to 'take good care of him.' And all that mushy bullshit.

"Well, I have access to all the data on the computers in the lab." EU stated finally backing up, giving the Swiss his personal space.
"Deutschland! What made you thi-"
"Shut up! It wasn't my fault, I wasn't the one that authorized him!" He defended himself.

"You two better be back in one piece by the end of it all."
"Like, that's gonna-" Switzerland replied before getting cut off by Germany.
The two glared at each other before returning to their homes.

"EU really said that?"
France listened intently as the german complained. It has been a couple of days since the two have been assigned this task. Not much has happened so far but the german was secretly hoping that the project fails, just so he doesn't have to work with his "friend" anymore.

"When do you have to go see Suisse exactly?"
"Oh gott, What time is it?"
"Uh... 3 pm...?"
"She— Gotta dash! See you tomorrow!" Germany quickly grabbed his bag, running off.
"See you.." The mother quietly waved her coworker goodbye as he frantically ran towards the train station.

Running out of the train station, completely exhausted Germany hurried off to the lab. He probably looked like a mad man who's running from the cops and the locals were most likely thinking the same as well, but he couldn't be bothered to stop. He had a reputation to keep up, he can't be late.

He slid his ID card on the slot at the door, seeing the door slide open to reveal Switzerland inside.

"Befor- pant before you say anything, pant I didn't do anything illegal."
"I didn't say anything."
"You were pant going to."
Germany had a bit of a difficult time catching up with his breath but luckily for him, the walk to the containment area wasn't short.

The lab had a very distinct atmosphere to it, ominous and almost haunted? Everything was white, the floors, the walls, the ceiling, it was as if the place was an asylum. But Germany would argue that every place the Swiss worked at felt haunted. Hospitals? Labs? You name it.

Their footsteps continue to echo through the large empty hallways. At least until a certain country walked by. Austria was walking slowy, face low. He looked like he was thinking about something.
"Österreich." Germany called out. Austria lifted his head a little, only to see who it was.

"What are you doing here?" Austria scowled in suspicion.
"Uh.. Plant project." Switzerland said quickly rushing Germany put of the situation.

The doors hissed as they slid open, the doctor quickly pushing Germany through into a small dim testing room.
"So this is our project so far," Switzerland pointed to the black plant growing out of a pot.
"Any progress?"
"It's starting to bud a flower, or at least I think it's a flower."
Upon a closer look, the plant has a small white bud growing in between the leaves.
"Also, I gave it a name. I call it UAS: duster."
"That is the most uncreative name I have ever heard."
"You're talking as if you can do any better."

Both countries walked around the counter the plant was kept on to get a look all around the mysterious substance, only to sit down on the chairs in the room with nothing else to do.
"Now what?"
"We wait."

An awkward silence formed between the two as both try to avoid eye contact.
"So," Germany started.
"What's up with him?"
"Österreich, is he like, upset or something?"
"You are, the densest person I have ever met."
"He doesn't like you, you tit."
"I know that part, but usually he at least tries to fake it."
"...In that case then I don't know."

Several hours later, both were tired. Despite not really doing anything aside from giving both the pot and the ground empty stares.
  "You know.. I had a really weird dream last night." The Swiss said through his boredom.
"It was about back then, y'know about all the fighting and such.."
"I don't know? I just haven't really had one since forever and I guess I've never remembered it being so... real?"
"Maybe it's just an off chance thing."
"I suppose..."

Germany stared at the clock on the wall,
'5.24 pm.'
"I think it's my queue to leave."  He said as he pushed his glasses up.
"...Mm." The Swiss hummed in response.
"Sure." Switzerland raised his hand slightly, staring at nothing.

The german walked out of the lab and stretched his arms. He checked his phone to see if anyone had texted him or not.
'2 messages from Polen.'

'I won't be there today'

'See you tmr'


'See you too.'

First, I want to say thank you?? For the recent support and sorry for not publishing anything for way too long? So I'll try to be more active with that. Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope you've enjoyed this chapter. :)

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