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Today was like any other, dull and bland and uneventful and boring. Germany could go on and on about how much he wished his life was more exciting, if only he had more friends.
The german felt his phone buzz. He pulled it out of his pocket to see a text from EU.

'Meeting tmr @10'

He honestly had no clue why he thought it would be a good idea to give EU all the power to be in charge and manage everything. But he can't dwell on that now.
The german arrived back at his house, unlocking the door and stepping inside. Nothing was out of the ordinary. He set everything down and moved to his laptop to start working on a few things.

Hours have passed and it's around 4 pm, it seemed to be raining outside, that was when the german heard a knock on his door. He went over to open it to see Poland standing there, soaked.
"H-hi..." Poland's voice was shaking, be must be cold.
"Polen? Come in here! You're going to catch a cold!" Germany half-shouted.
"Aren't you supposed to be at the slavs'?" The german asked as he ran to find a towel.
"Yeah.. But the plan got canceled because of the rain."
Germany threw a towel at Poland.
"Thanks. Could I maybe stay here again? The weather forecast said that the rain is supposed to get worse."
"Sure, just don't break anything."

"...Can I help you with anything?"
"Uh... Actually I need a document from one of the binders." Germany said as he pointed to the pile of binders he had on the floor.
"Which binder?"
"The dark red one. The paper should have a blue boarder around it."
Poland scrambled around before picking up the thick dark red binder. He sighed to himself already knowing that this was going take hours.
Germany saw a window popped up on his laptop.
'Incoming call: Ame'
Germany decides to pick up.
"Hey Ger."
"Guten tag." Germany waved at America.
"Who is it?" Poland asked peeking over just to see the screen.
"It's America." Germany answered, turning the screen so Poland could see better.
"Hi!" America shouted, waving excessively.
"Um...Hi. Why'd you call?"
"Oh, just wanted to say hi. And invite you to the next world meeting, I'm hosting."
"You know, you could've just texted." Poland retorted.
"Yeah.. About that, could I ask you just a teensy favor, Germs?"
"Sure! Anything for you, within reason of course." And he was being honest considering America and him were such good friends.
"Great! I wanted to ask if you could, how do I say this, persuade the slavs to come to the meeting. Especially Russia. I already tried asking them but they sorta said no..."
"Well, Russland might agree and I use the word 'might' very strongly. But the others, not so much."
"Oh! What about you Poland? You're close to them righ-"
"Absolutely not. If they decided that they didn't want to go the first time, then there's no reason I should pressure them."
"Please Po, I need this. UN is going to kill me if I don't. "
"UN has the right to be mad at you, you broke rules that were placed down and you should face the consequences."
"Please, If you do this for me I'll owe you, big time." America might as well be begging on his knees at this point. While Poland pauses for a bit to reconsider his choices.
"Fine, but I won't ask them twice."
"Thank you, thank you, Thank You! You have no idea how much of a lifesaver you are. See you guys later!" Then he hung up.

Germany chuckled quietly.
"What?" Poland asked, genuinely curious.
"Nothing, I just don't think that I've seen you that serious since the first time we met." Germany answered, snickering.
"Well, someone had to balance it out a bit right? Since America can be such a big doof sometimes."
"Gasp Polen! That's mean!" The german nudged the pole slightly.
"What? It's true." Poland retorted again, both laughing.

"Seriously though, that was rude."

"Yeah, I know."

Sorry this one's really short compared to the other two. Anyways I swear the next one will be more interesting and fun, and as always I hoped you enjoyed it and thanks for reading :)

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