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Log #13
Day 16
I feel as if the project is at a standstill, the plant isn't changing anymore, not in a way that is particularly abnormal at least. This seems way too ordinary, the subject doesn't act anything like a substance that would be from outer space. Perhaps our assumptions were incorrect, maybe it is from our planet. Though it behaves the complete opposite from how regular vegetation do. This is getting frustrating.

Switzerland scratched his head as he typed out his daily log, it's been quite a while since he was given the beads and plant seems to look completely the same as any other would, except for the color. He feels like he's hit a dead end, maybe he should ask someone for help? Even so, there are only so many people to ask.
He bit his lip thinking of what he should or could do next, there doesn't seem to be any other option but to wait. He would be lying if he said that he hated his job, he doesn't. In fact, he loves experimenting in his lab. The excitement of potentially discovering something completely new has always left him thrilled, wanting to come back and find out more. But this is not what he signed up for.

'This is getting stale.' He thought to himself deciding that it might be better to just leave and come back later. He checked his phone to see if there are any messages.

'1 message from Deuschtland'
'Great, as if this couldn't get any worse.'

He scrolled through his phone lazily as he walked down the dark and quiet lab. He chuckled lightly at some of the past conversations the two have had until he got to the unread texts.

'EU wants to see you.  He said it's about the plant thing.'

The Swiss rolled his eyes before texting back 'Seriously?'
After that there was an instant respond.

'When? And where?'

'Tomorrow at 10 at the same place as the last time'

'Yea, sure.'

After their short conversation, he quickly shoved his phone into his bag. Taking off his lab coat and shutting the door to the building, he walked to the train station. He examined the city around him, seeing all the street lights still brightly lit, people sitting in restaurants talking about nonsense things. It wasn't an unusual sight for the Swiss but it wasn't one he welcomed. It's not like he felt lonely since he always preferred to be left alone, there were just little things that he wished he had.
Him and Germany were never really on the best of terms, they never saw eye to eye despite how similar he thought they were. They were both hardworking people who didn't have many friends, and even with all of their effort they just couldn't fit in. Did the Swiss want them to be better friends? Yes, of course he did. But he wasn't brave enough to admit that to himself, and the Swiss was more than one hundred percent sure that they won't even enjoy each other's company as much as friends should.

After all that thinking the Swiss finally got on the train, his house wasn't far he just didn't want to walk that much. He looked up from his own thoughts to see a few countries he recognized, Austria and Lithuania. He didn't realize that they took the same train, not that he was about to engage in social interactions though.

"Schweiz!" Austria shouted.
"Guten tag, Österreich.." Switzerland turned around, faking a smile.

"How are you?" Austria smiled brightly, Lithuania didn't look too intrigued though.               "Uh... I'm alright. Why are you here? I thought that the train to your house was the other one." hearing and thinking about what he just said, he might've come off as a bit rude.. The Swiss thought.
"Oh, I have to go to Deuschtland's, because Polen just had to meet up with us at his place."
Austria's tone immediately changed the instant he mentioned the german's name.
  "Well, I hope that goes well for you. But I really have to go back home because... because I haven't quite finished the forms UN gave me yet! So I'll be leaving!" The Swiss practically shouted, and honestly, he could've probably gotten a better lie out of a rock. But this is what happens when you spend most of your life isolated from everyone else.

Switzerland started to attempt his very obvious speed-walking to get away as soon as possible before Austria stopped him.
"Wait! I was just told that EU canceled the meeting."
"What?! When? Why?"
"I don't know either, Frankreich just told me a couple of hours ago."
"Right... I really have to go now."
"Auf Wiedersehen!"

The train's alarm went off, signaling the doors closing as the Swiss ran inside. The train was rather empty but that was to be expected since it was pretty late. Switzerland took a seat next to the window, looking outside. The sky was dark but the city didn't make it seem that way. He couldn't see a single star or even the moon. He'd seen this view countless times but he always manages to find something new going on no matter how little it is. The Swiss saw his own reflection, feeling rather tired Switzerland decided to take a nap...

s t a y   n  e  u  t  r  a  l .    .    .

I'm sorry it's been so long, I sort of drove myself into a corner when I started writing this. Anyways, as always thank you for reading this and I hope you've enjoyed yourself. :)

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