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Ringg! Ringgg!

Germany woke up to the sound of the alarm he had set on his phone. He checked the time, '6.32 am.' He was okay, not late yet. He attempted to sit up only to fall back down again, the throbbing headache really wasn't helping either. After around five minutes, he was able to stand up, walk out of his bedroom and into the bathroom. He sloppily brushed his teeth but didn't bother showering, remembering his experience last night.
He walked downstairs, almost tripping on his own leg but he managed himself in time. He saw Poland still sleeping on the couch, but Russia was nowhere to be found. His brain hasn't quite started fully functioning yet so he wasn't panicking. He walked closer to the mess on the floor noticing a napkin on the chair Russia slept on. There was writing on it, the handwriting wasn't great but it was readable.

'I left early since you forgot to lock your doors, thanks for the beer last night.

- Russ'

It took the german a solid two seconds to start panicking about how he forgot to lock the doors. Despite living in a discreet neighborhood where everyone trusted each other, Germany had always locked the doors just in case someone decides to come in and rob his house. Thankfully, it didn't look like anything was stolen or at least the german hoped so.

'7.04 am.'
Germany was mostly awake by now and decides to make breakfast. It wasn't going to be anything extravagant since the german wasn't the best cook but it'll do. He ended up making some scrambled egg and a couple of slices of toast. He poured himself a cup of coffee before checking on the smaller country. Realizing that since they don't usually drink this much, it might be a good idea to grab some painkillers from the cupboard.

'7.28 am.'
Both of the countries have had breakfast at this point, though neither of them were doing too well. The german figured that Russia would be alright since he always seem to drink in copious amounts. Poland on the other hand wasn't handling the hangover as well as he would've wanted, even after taking the painkillers.
Germany just let his friend rest while he goes back upstairs to change. He grabbed a pair of dark brown trousers, a white button-up along with a red tie. And after he had folded the sleeves up to his elbow, he was ready to go.
Poland changed into the extra clothes he had brought which are his white button-up, his light blue jean and his signature light brown sweater.

'7.56 am.'
"Ready?" Germany asked as he slung his bag over his shoulder.
"As ready as I can be.." Poland replied a bit quietly, with an expression that can hardly be described as happy.
They both walk down the street that was littered with puddles.
"It must've been raining last night." Germany stated.
"No shit, genius." Poland added smiling lightly.
Germany chuckled before responding.
"I was just saying."
After that small talk the rest of the walk was silent. Poland would've really preferred to fly but he also wanted to accompany his friend.
Both of them admired the scenery of the city, the weather was slightly cold due to the rain but it was bearable.
They soon arrive at the building they were heading to. The building was huge but it looked pretty dull, though to be fair it was an office building, not a mall. Once they step inside they saw that the place was flooded with people and it was loud as hell. But that was only natural since there was a world meeting held there.
Poland quickly clung to Germany's bag in the hopes that they won't lose each other.
"Which way do we go?!" Poland half-shouted.
"I don't know! I thought that there won't so many people since it was early!" Germany shouted back.
They eventually manage to navigate through the crowd and head into the elevator and even then, the elevator was still packed with people.
After a few 'sorry's and 'excuse me's they were able to get out on the right floor. And even after all of that they still had to find their way to the right room.
Eventually they saw a sign,

'world meeting do not disturb.'

Nightmare roots// [countryhumans fanfic] [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now