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The five gormitis looked at Tasaru, then at each other, and then back to Tasaru. One of them stepped in front of them, it was the earth gormiti with the hammer. He said.

Terran: Why hello there, Tasaru. My name is Terran. And this is my team. The air gormiti is Gawen.

Gawen: Sup.

Terran: The masked forest gormiti is Aspen and his unmasked brother Birk.

Birk and Aspen just waved at Tasaru.

Terran: And the last gormiti is Delta.

Delta: Hello there.

Tasaru: Nice to meet you all. Me and my friends we're wondering why you guys look like you are about to go to war?

Terran: We look like that to you...and did you say, friends?

Tasaru: Yes, my friends. They are over there.

Tasaru points directly at his friends.

Agrom: Umm...why is Tasaru pointing at us?

Noctis: Isn't it obvious, he's pointing at us, to show to those guys.

Piron: Plus, they are walking towards us...

Noctis Wait...What?!

The lords looked and saw the 5 gormitis plus Tasaru heading directly to them. It only took a few seconds for them to stand in front of the lords, just two meters away.

Terran: Hello there.

Agrom: Uhhh...Hi.

Tasaru steps in front of Terran.

Tasaru: Hi guys. These gormiti are...are...Oh shoot, I didn't ask what you guys are.

Terran: Don't worry. Now, we are hunters.

Piron: Hunters?

Terran: Yes, we go outside our kingdoms to protect them from the dangers outside. We also hunt the danger. 

Noctis: Huh, like us.

Terran: Wait, what do you mean like you?

Agrom: We are the lords of gorm. We are also protecting our kingdom, and defending them from the lava gormiti. 

Terran: Oh...

Delta: But, we don't hunt down lava gormitis. We hunt down anything that is a danger to our kingdom.

Noctis: You didn't say what kind of danger...

Gawen: Oh, you know monsters that want to break into our kingdom, and hurt the people in it.

Piron: What kind?

Birk: We can't name all of them, cuz there are so many.

Piron: Can you at least name one?

Birk: Sure. How about...Oh, I know! The swamp beast.

Noctis: Swamp...beast?

Agrom: What's a swamp beast?

Terran: The most dangerous creature that ever lived in gorm.

Tasaru: Why are they the most dangerous?

Delta: They attack livestock and steal food from gormiti. Destroy homes. And kill gormitis to feast on their flesh. 

Agrom: They sound dangerous.

Terran: Well, they are. Speaking of which we should probably go now. We can't spend our time here all-day.

Noctis: Wait, what were you guys doing here in the first place.

Gawen: Supplies.

Terran: And we should go now. Bye.

The five gormiti left the lords and went back to their own business.

The lords looked at each other. And one of them spoke.

Noctis: We should probably hang out with them.

Piron: We just met them, Noctis. We can't just hang out with people we barely know.

Agrom: Piron got a point there.

Noctis: Ohhhh, says the person who doesn't have an idea what we are going to do today.

Agrom: Oh please, I got an idea right now.

Noctis: Uhuh, what is it?

Agrom: I......Okay, you got me, I don't have an idea.

Noctis: I win. Okay, let's go and ask them.

Piron: I think we are too late.

Noctis: What?

Piron: Well, Tasaru is walking to them right now.

Noctis turns around and sees Tasaru now asking them.

Tasaru: Can we join you guys?

Terran: You wanna join us?

Tasaru: Yes.

Terran: hmmm...Okay! You and your friends may join us.

Tasaru: That's great! Hey guys we can join them!

Agrom: That's great, Tasaru!

Gawen: You guys should probably hurry, we are going right now.

The lords followed them. 

To be continued.

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