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Piron: Hey...Hey Noctis. Hello. 

Tasaru: Let me try. WAKE UP SLEEPING BEAUTY!!!

Noctis: Gah!! What? 

Tasaru: Pfff, Lol.

Piron: We have arrived at the village.

Noctis: Oh...

Terran: Okay then, everyone out, now.

They went out of the wagon. The gorm lords just stood there doing nothing but watch the hunters taking out some stuff. One of the hunters flew away.

Agrom: Umm...Terran, what are you all doing with that stuff? And what are those?

Terran: These, my friend. Are new traps. Our old ones are either destroyed or to dull to use.

Agrom: What do you mean by, destroyed?

Terran: What I mean is that our prey destroyed it.

Noctis: Yeah, Agrom: Don't you understand what destroyed means?

Agrom: Shut it, Noctis.

Noctis: Oh please. Just try it.

Agrom: Okay.

Before Agrom and Noctis were going to start a fight, Again. They were interrupted by someone.

Gawen: Terran, look!

It was Gawen. He was flying in the sky, while holding something in his arms. He landed on the ground close to Terran. He showed him a destroyed trap.

Gawen: One of our older traps that we set a week ago, have been destroyed. 

Terran: I see...

Agrom: What is that...?

Delta: That's a bear trap Gawen is holding. Well, at least a piece of it.

Gawen: As you can see on the teeth part, it has blood on it. Which means that one of them was caught, but escaped by being helped by its group.

Terran: And to help the one who got caught. They had to break the trap in two. Where's the other piece?

Gawen: Couldn't find it.

Terran: And the other traps?

Gawen: Look around, all of them are destroyed. Even the ones we buried under the ground. All the twenty traps are destroyed.

Terran: "Sigh" What kind of group of swamp beasts are we dealing with here.

Gawen: Apparently a kind that knows how to destroy traps.

Terran: Whatever, we should probably set up new traps. But, let's put them in different places this time.

Gawen: What should I do with this one.

Gawen holds up the destroyed bear trap.

Terran: Put it in the carriage. Its made metal, we can probably give it to the blacksmith.

Gawen: Wouldn't he mind the blood?

Terran: It's just blood. He can just clean it.

Agrom: Blood? Did he say blood?

Delta: Yes.

Piron: Whose blood is it?

Delta: Isn't it obvious? It's a monster's blood.

Noctis: A blood from a monster?

Delta: Indeed.

Birk: Let's not talk about the blood. Let's just set up a camp here, it's about to get dark.

Delta: I'll help you.

Agrom: We will help too.

The lords helped to set up a camp. While three of the hunters went out to the village to set up some new traps.

To be continued.

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