Swamp Beasts don't exist!

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Tasaru and Noctis were standing outside the temple. Noctis looked up and was amazed. Then he felt Tasaru nudging his shoulder, and said.

Tasaru: Shall we go in?

Noctis nodded and both walked into the temple.

A few minutes walking in the temple, they heard a sound. Like a few rocks falling and hitting the ground. This made them both uneasy. Noctis didn't want to show fear, so he played it cool. But, Tasaru felt a bit scared. 

Tasaru was thinking that maybe this was a bad idea, and they should head back.

They then walked passed a few corridors. When they were going to pass another corridor, Tasaru saw something that made him pale.

From far, he could see a dark animal-like figure at the end of the corridor. Luckily it walked away from them without knowing they were there.

Tasaru then asked Noctis.

Tasaru: Uhhh, Noctis, I think we should head back to the others. I think there's a swamp beast here.

Noctis turned around to face Tasaru, and he said to him.

Noctis turned around to face Tasaru, and he said to him

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The two ran out from the temple and headed straight to the others to tell them what they saw

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The two ran out from the temple and headed straight to the others to tell them what they saw.

To be continued.

The nomad in the templeWhere stories live. Discover now