The first day of the adventure!

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In the rockiest areas in the earth kingdom, the lords and their new friends were traveling on two large wagons. Each of the wagons was pulled by two rock-like animals. One of the wagons had an extra small carriage behind it, that was empty. The lords sat in the wagon that had the extra carriage, with Terran and Delta. The others sat in the other one. 

They have been traveling in 1 hour. That was enough to make Noctis bored. So he said something. 

Noctis: Where are we even heading? 

Terran: We are heading towards the place where we are going to hunt. 

Noctis: Yeah, and what is that place's name?

Terran: It's an old village in the earth kingdom that has been forgotten. 

Agrom: I did hear about that place. It said that the earth people in it moved because it was too dry and there was no water. 

Tasaru: So, they didn't want to live in a place that is dry. That's it?

Agrom: Not only that. The villager also moved for another reason.

Piron: What's the other reason?

Agrom: It said that there were monsters that would come into the village and steal their crops and animals. And they also scared the villagers with the sounds they made in the night. But that reason is just a rumor.

Tasaru: Do you think those monsters might be the swamp beasts?

Agrom: Maybe, who knows? 

Terran: And we might find something in there. Sorry, I couldn't help to listen to you all. But, I can tell you this. The village also has a temple.

Piron: A temple?

Terran: Yep. The temple is big enough to protect the villagers from attacks. And strong enough to withstand any strong force that tries to break it.

Noctis: Hey, Agrom. How come you didn't know about the temple?

Agrom: I know about the temple, but Terran told about the village and not the temple.

Piron: Wait, if the temple could protect the villagers, why didn't they just use it to protect themselves from the monsters? Or even hide their animals and crops in there?

Terran: I don't know about that, but some questions are left without an answer. 

Noctis: Are we there yet?

Delta: Let's see, a couple of more minutes and we're there.

Noctis: A couple of more!? Awwww...

Piron: Cheer up, Noctis. A couple of minutes can be like 15 minutes or 10 minutes.

Noctis: Whatever. Wake me up when we are there.

Noctis dragged over a blanket over his head. 

The others just sat there quietly. Sometimes they would make small talk to make the time pass by, and it seemed to work a bit.

To be continued.

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