Chapter 1

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Waluigi pov

wah!! i'm waluigi!! i'm a horrible person!! i have no guilt for my victims! I love to play tennis! wah! wah wah wah! I love long walks on the beach! I'm single ;)!! wAH!!! 


sorry! wah! I have a! wah! cold! anyway I lvoe to commit horirble crimes wah?I have a wah, btoerh, wario! wah! he's stupid! wah!! haha I hate him! wah! I have no thoughts for his feelings! wah!

wah? wah? wah? answer: wah!



wah! sorry! wah! I'm waluigi!

my favourite method of, wah, crime? wah!! hitting people in tennis! wah!!

I hate humanity! wah!

goodbye, I have to go play tennis! wah! wah!

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