Chapter 10.5

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Authors note: sorry that last chapter was irrelevant. It was out of nowhere. I don't know how it was made. It didn't develop any of the current characters anymore. It is the definition of pointless. I am so sorry.


Walnuts pov

"I'm really gonna miss wearing these 𝓬𝓻𝓸𝓬𝓼.... but I can no longer wear them...." I say, crying tears.

"I know I thought the 𝓬𝓻𝓸𝓬𝓼 were really uncomfortable.... but.... Tiso is dead.... we can no longer wear them." Acorn saids.

I set down my crocs in the newly dug hole and acorn proceeds to do the same.

"I knew this would happen,,,, this is all my fault,,, I can't belive @Walnut-kitto  on twitter would do this..... I am shocked and ashamed."

"aRE YOU ok."

"yeah I am thanks"

I begin to bury the two 𝓬𝓻𝓸𝓬𝓼 with dirt. I can see all the particles. How could this happen?

ring ring ring ring ring rign

"oh it's my phone" I say pulling out my phone.

"Hello is this twitter dot com forward slash walnut underscore kitto?" the person on the phone says

"yeah it's me I am the demon you describe"

"hey don't be rude to youself" acorn says angry

"walugiiii,,,, is in custoryd. he is to go to cpiourt soon"

"oh epic" I reply.

"yeah this is epic" acorn says

"in my top ten epic gamer moments, this is at least six."

Top ten epic gamer moments
1. sand

2. Quirrel

3. catabolic seed

4. the original chapter 10

5. tennis

6. this

7. the nmber 7

8. that time when I

9. seth rogen mantis!!!

10. when I ate custard creams on vc

"can you come to court in a day please"

"sure we can" I say and hang up. "Acorn?"

"Yes, walnut?" Acorn responds.

"It's time to make a new epic gamer moment."

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