ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2 : ɴᴏᴛɪᴄᴇᴅ

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It was cold but the raven haired male never bother about it too much. He could stand the cold more than he thought after all. He looked at himself in the mirror for one last time.

Black turtleneck sweatshirt clung firmly onto his frame with a half cropped blue denim jacket on top of it. His tight black jeans complemented his whole attires. One of his ears had a piercing with a key pendant dangling matching with his necklace.

He was not one to impress others, but his appearances were important to him. He just could not see himself all messy and unprepared. How can he let himself looking like that in this judgemental society? He did not bother that much but, no. He was not intending to get himself into problems.

Nodding his head in satisfaction upon looking at his own looks, he went off to take his bag to leave the house.

"Eomma, I'm off to my college!" He informed his mother, who was packing the breakfast for him. She quickly made her way towards her son as soon as the male's voice echoed through the house.

"Hyunie sweetie, I know you don't eat your breakfast around this hour. But I made you some sandwiches. Eat them whenever, alright?" His mother told him so softly. How did you expect him to refuse? Especially with that tone? And moreover, his mother?

The said male curved a wide, loving smile which resulting to his eyes turn into perfect crescents. He took the small bag from his mother's extended hand whilst uttering a light chuckle.

"You know you don't have to, eomma. But- Thank you so much," he responded immediately, pulling his mother into a tight hug and a kiss to her cheek.

"I'll get going now, I don't want to be late," he continued. Her mother smiled fondly as she ruffled the ravennette's hair.

"Study well, alright? Your appa will be back today, so come home early. Wouldn't want to miss out your appa's arrival now, would we?" She gave her son a light pat on his arm.

"Alright. Please do call me if I don't come early. I might be in trouble. You do know how my friends are, right?" Both of the two brings emitted a laughter at the male's question, remembering all too well how chaotic they can be.

"Sure, sure. Now, go. If you don't, you'll really go to class late today," she assured, gently pushing the boy out with a slight hint of laughter between her spoken words. The ravennette bid her mother and quickly ran his way towards  his college.

It was actually still too early before his class would start. But the raven haired male did not want to be greeted with crowds if he came around his usual time, so he chose to go early. He too, wanted to feel free without having those who came to him for his looks, clinging to him all day.

He heaved out a long breath after reaching the college's entrance, slowly calming himself after the run he just had. Taking in another one deep breath, he slowly made his way inside. He was so sure no one would be there around this hour.

That was when the sight before his eyes beat him to it. There, sitting at one of the table in the college's garden, was a boy who he never saw even after months of being there. Was he really that ignorant?

He lightly tilted his head to the side whilst silently observing the said person. He was sure it was a boy. The boy looked tiny in his eyes. The fact that you can easily figure out just how tiny he was with only one glance, making the person sounded somewhat adorable.

He had the guts to approach the said person, but would not want to surprise him. So, he decided not to do it right away yet letting his legs dragging him around the hallways until he could face the front profile of the male. Though, his gaze never left the boy since.

He noticed how the boy was so immersed in scribbling down on his book as if it was the only thing he could do in the world. He noticed how the boy's eyes sparkled as they look at his own works after he was done. He noticed the faint sight of the, what he assumed as, freckles littered all over his face. Like constellations.

He did not notice that a smile had creep its way up his face. How can watching one's expressions change every now and then while looking at their own works be so satisfying? He did not know why but he felt as if he was being pulled to get to know the latter better.

He noticed the pout forming and was replaced with a smile after. The actions repeated every time he turned to the next page. His pout was really adorable, but damn was that smile looked a lot better on him. He looked way more adorable than he already was. Oh, how much he loved them already.

Suddenly, the boy froze just right at the moment he was about to approach, resulting to his action to stop in a halt. A frown took over his face as soon as he realized how the boy's expression changed.

As if the sky too, understood, feeling the same way as the said boy did, it turned somewhat a bit darker. Everything around them felt a lot chilly and it started to radiate off gloomy vibes too.

He loved watching how the male's expressions changed but no. Not this one. He noticed the sparkle in his eyes starting to dim, slowly turning them a little-- dull, lifeless. He hated seeing it. He had the strong urge to protect the boy but who was he in the boy's life?

A hand suddenly tapped him on the shoulder, taking him back to all of his senses, which he did not realize he had them out of track awhile ago. He blinked his eyes a few times out of his dazed state only then to realize his membermates were already there beside him.

"We've been calling out to you for ages. What has gotten you so caught up, Hwang Hyunjin?" An ash silver haired male, with half of his locks styled to the back, asked him in full concern. He looked at his best friends before having his gaze averted to his surroundings.

He saw how people were already crowding the college's hallways, indicating that everyone had came without him realizing anyone's presences. He realized the girls passing by them, giving him the usual morning greets, giggling as they walked to their classes.

The thought of the adorable boy came across his mind again, causing him to instantly turn his head towards the table he was sitting at earlier. To his dismay, he was no longer at the said place. He could feel the tug at his chest but he chose to let it slide. It was nothing.... maybe.

He flashed his infamous eyesmile towards his best friends whilst waving a hand off reassuringly.

"It's nothing, don't worry. Let's head off now or else we'll be late," he changed the topic almost immediately and guided them to their classes, knowing all too well that would successfully distracted them. Thankfully for all of them, they had the same class that morning, so it was not that much of a hassle.

Hyunjin's mind trailed off to the said boy again, subconsciously making a smile spreading across his lips.

'I'll find you and will definitely approach you this time. I'll make sure to return the smile on your face again,' he thought to himself. As much as that sounded a bit absurd, he still wanted to make it happen. He nodded his head to himself in pure determination.

'Cause you're...


[ 1321 words ]

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