ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3 : ᴀᴘᴘʀᴏᴀᴄʜ

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The raven haired male sat in his usual seat. His chin in his palm whilst the elbow on his table, as he stared into spaces. For the first time ever, the ravennette did not pay attention to whatever lesson he had in the class at the moment.

Hyunjin noticed he was not being himself throughout the day. He did not focus in every classes that day and that, was not himself at all. The lecturers always praised him for his grades. Not only was he good looking but he was also good at literally everything he did.

So, to say that he was not being himself for not even paying a bit attention in the lectures was completely an understatement. This was all because of some certain thoughts. Not just any thoughts. It's the boy, the tiny, petite boy who had constellations all over his face as much as he remembered. Heck, he found it so damn adorable he can barely get it off his mind.

Now that it came to him again, lots of questions started to cloud his mind. Why had he only seen the boy now? Was he that ignorant? Never had he ever bumped into him nor had he passed by the said boy. He didn't know what came up to him but he had that one thought.

He wanted to approach the boy.

He would find him later on and befriend him. The image of the lilac haired boy flashed through his mind. How his eyes turned so sad that he had the urge in him to run to the said male and engulf him in a tight hug. Whispering sweet nothings, telling the male that he'd be there.

He'd do anything to bring the sparkles in the lilac haired male's eyes back. He hated seeing how it looked so lifeless back then. He wanted to protect him. He wanted to be there. He wanted—

He was sent back to reality when his seatmate, Kim Seungmin, tapped him on his shoulder. The brown haired male had concern glinted in his eyes when he looked at his friend. He blinked his eyes a few times, as if he was still in a daze. He looked around him only to notice that the class was already empty.

"Hyung, why are you like this? You've never done this before. Are you having a problem?" Seungmin bombarded out of his bewilderment. Upon hearing the concerned tone laced in the male's voice, he could not help but to let a soft smile spread across his lips.

"I'm fine, Minnie. No problem at all, I'm just— full of thoughts today," he responded, gathering his things and put them in his bag. The ravennette got up from his seat and draped an arm around the latter's shoulder, dragging him out for lunch break.

"Let's go, the others might be waiting," the ravennette pulled the latter along with him, leading their ways to the cafeteria without even waiting for the other's respond. He knew his friend well enough that they would ask again. But for now, he'd just avoid it temporarily.

•.¸♡ ♡¸.•

"Took you long enough to come here. Were both of you lost?" Was the first thing both Hyunjin and Seungmin was greeted with the moment they reached their usual table. Seungmin pointed a finger to the ravennette beside him which only to be earned with a dismissive laughter.

"Hyunjin was daydreaming. You heard me right. He was freaking daydreaming that he didn't even notice the class ended," Seungmin grumbled. The ravennette only shrugged his shoulders as if he had done the said thing a lot before. When he's not.

All eyes were now on Hyunjin, sparing glances as if he was the strangest thing that had happen to the world. The said male did not notice that. Not until he took his seat beside the shorter male with the all-black clothings, that he realized how his own bestfriends were looking at him in such ways.

"I know what's going on in you guy's minds now, but no. I'm not going to tell now. You do know that if anything. I'll tell you guys sooner or later," he immediately cut them off even before they could bombard him with lots of expected questions. He knew them long enough that he figured out easily just by looking at the way they looked at him.

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