Straight Up Phased

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Normani was cold just...straight up cold, if you thought a New York was freezing, try a German winter at a secret HYDRA base in the middle of absolutely nowhere. The building was an old stone German castle that was probably hundreds of years old. It looked as if someone important lived here, until something terrible happened, she couldn't tell but the fact that it was now a HYDRA base gave her a pretty good clue as to what happened. 

"Um, I'm just gonna guess that there's no heat inside." She asked, Maddie looked over at her and shook her head. "By the way, we had to get rid of your other suit, the one the Avengers made, as a precaution. We didn't know if the suit was bugged or something like that."
 She said. The mention of the Avengers name's hurt a little, remembering but hey, this was her choice. "So do I like, get it back?" She asked. "Oh no, we burned it. Shits gone." Maddie said, smiling. Normani nodded, figuring that the answer wouldn't be one that she liked. The pair walked up to the factory and Madeleine knocked. 

"Ich hab' zwei Flügel und kann nicht fliegen. Ich hab' einen Rücken und kann nicht liegen. Ich hab' ein Bein und kann nicht stehen. Oft trag' ich Brillen und kann nicht sehen.Was bin ich?" A man with a heavy German accent, Normani guessed, asked. Maddie laughed. "Oh yeah, sorry Normani I almost forgot your translator, you'll find that the people here love their German." She smiled, giving her a pill. She just shrugged and swallowed it, there was no taste at all. "There you go, do you understand me?" Maddie as, presumably in German but she heard it in English. "Yea, yea I do." Good, the device works basically as if you are hearing in English but you'll still be speaking in English. Your brain will eventually be fluent in German so don't worry." She explained, turning back around to the door with the male German voice.

"Wiederholen Sie das Rätsel bitte." She said. Normani heard, "Repeat the riddle please." 

"Ich hab' zwei Flügel und kann nicht fliegen. Ich hab' einen Rücken und kann nicht liegen. Ich hab' ein Bein und kann nicht stehen. Oft trag' ich Brillen und kann nicht sehen.Was bin ich?" The man asked again. Normani heard I have two wings and can not fly. I have a back and can not lie down. I have a leg and can not stand. Often I wear glasses and can not see. What am I? ""Komm schon, Nyler, gib mir wenigstens beim nächsten Mal etwas Schwieriges. Die Antwort in einer Nase, eine Nase hat keinen Rücken." "Komm schon, Nyler, gib mir wenigstens beim nächsten Mal etwas Schwieriges. Die Antwort ist einer Nase." Which translated to "Come on, Nyler, at least give me something difficult next time. The answer is a nose." 

There was a clicking sound and the doors opened up. 

"Thank you Nyler, where is Kristof?" Maddie asked. The man known as Nyler pointed to an operating table in a small area packed with machines and men in hazmat suits and scientist jackets. Even though Normani knew that none of them were certified. "Oh um, we grabbed your magicians outfit though, you can use that for your new 'super suit." Madeline smiled. All her smiling was creeping Mani out.  "Okay, we'll go talk to Kristof and in a matter of moments you'll be on the operating table." Maddie smiled once again. I swear this girl is just insane, who the fuck smiles this damn much? 

Normani was about go with her when she felt a tingling sensation, one she knew all too well. "Shit." She cursed as she fell to the ground. Her suit had things in it to help her with her little phasing problem, but they were gone now. She felt a tang of pain in her body, like her heart was being squeezed. "Maddie...Maddie help!" She yelled, grabbing her chest. Everyone turned around to see Normani clutching her heart. She began to cough, blood pouring from her mouth as she fell, seizing. Maddie said something in German that she couldn't make out because she was busy with her little, not so little, problem. A team of "doctors" swarmed around her trying to get her to stand up, but her condition was well, pretty troublesome. 

"Maddie, please..." She began, her body went numb and she looked down to see that, well there was no body left of hers to be numb. How come in every Marvel story there's always someone or something disappearing...

"I...I'm disappearing." Normani choked out. "Get her on the table!" Maddie barked in English. Kristof came running over to see what was going on. Whatever was said next, Mani couldn't understand, her eyes were heavy and she wanted to do was sleep, she couldn't think straight, let alone process a whole 'nother language. Kristof smiled, instructing the doctors to pick up the phasing girl. "We'll take it from here my love, just get her suit." Kristof instructed.

My love?  But her questions were answered when Madeleine took his hand and kissed him. Oh, and if you wanted to know what Maddie and Kristoff said, well it's simple.

                                                                     Holen sie sich das kind.

                                                                               Get the baby.

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