1 - No mark

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I stood in front of the mirror admiring how my body looked in the new dress my mom bought me

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I stood in front of the mirror admiring how my body looked in the new dress my mom bought me. 

My little sister frowned at me, "Mami why can't I drop out of school and wear fancy stuff like Rose?"

"Because unlike you, Rose has always been a whiz at math and that paired with the good looks I blessed both of you with makes Rose perfect for joining the 'family business' early."

My sister, Paloma, rolled her eyes. But mom was right. I was doing college level math in middle school. It came easy to me. My mom walked up behind me, "Are you ready for tonight mija?" I nodded, "Yes."

"This will be the biggest job that you've done alone Rose. You have no room for error."

I nodded. "Si mami, I know." I was scared but I couldn't show it. In this line of work we could never show fear. We had to keep a poker face at all times.

"Paloma, go get ready for school. I'll drop you off at school before taking Rose to the casino."

I put on the strappy silver heels my mom bought to pair with my dress. Nervous was an understatement. This job was the last one we needed to complete to be able to move from Compton to Brentwood. It was all riding on me, but I was confident. Nervous, but confident. And as my mom always says, 'confidence is key'.

We locked up the house and got into my mom's BMW truck. Another purchase we were able to make thanks to the 'family business'. I'm sure by know you are more than curious to know what exactly is the family business. Just stick around. You're about to find out.

"Paloma be ready at cuatro mija." 

Paloma nodded and got out of the car to head into school. I dropped out of high school my freshman year. It wasn't that I wanted to or that I didn't like school. It was that mom needed me more. She needed me to balance our checking accounts, move money to offshore accounts and ensure that all of our money was clean. 'Money isn't spendable if it isn't clean'. Another thing our mom always said. Once I turned sixteen, mom had started training me on another hustle. Seduction. She said with the right skills a woman could seduce a man out anything. Now at nineteen she was ready to see what I could do and I didn't want to disappoint her.

We pulled up at the entrance of the casino. I grabbed my purse and opened the door. My mom grabbed my arm, "Don't forget, don't stop until the goal is reached." I nodded. "And remember what to do in case of police or security." I nodded again. "Good luck mija." I stepped out of the truck and entered into the lobby of the hotel casino.

It was so luxurious. I almost felt underdressed. There were chandeliers hanging next to elegant gold light fixtures. The ceilings were painted with paintings I used to see in my old art history books in school. I watched beautiful women dressed in sparkly dresses carry around trays of food and drinks.

"Hello, Welcome to Casina Azul. Would you like a drink?"

I turned around as I was greeted by a tall, beautiful woman with a caramel complexion and a cute black bob. I began to reach for one of the flutes of champagne but then stopped. "No thank you. I'm okay." My mom's voice rang through my head. 'No alcohol while on a job. You have to be thinking clearly at all times.' 

The beautiful lady nodded and walked away.

Okay. Now I have to find my mark. I walked in the gaming area of the casino. It was bustling with scantily clad women, men in suits and security. Lots of security. 'Always ensure you know who's watching you and where your exits are'. We had mapped out the blueprint of the hotel a week ago so I knew all of my exit points. So now I needed to make my mental notes of how much security was present and where their station were located. I also needed to find the head of security. 

Head of Security was usually a man and he was usually dressed as fancy as some of the patrons.

Got him.

He was a dark haired man with bold features. He had on a fancy ass suit and he had beautiful green eyes. He seemed relaxed and happy. He also seemed preoccupied with some of the waitress'. Good.

Now I need to find the blackjack tables. It was the one game I was the most comfortable with and an easy table to find a mark at. I saw the section with about four blackjack tables. Time to make my move.


The room erupted in screams and a gun fired shots into the air.


As I got down on the floor I turned on my phone to record what was going on. I looked around. There were about twenty men dressed in all black with black ski masks on covering their faces. Fuck.

"Alright, I'm going to come around with this bag and I want everyone to put any money or jewelry you have in the bag."

I saw a lot of the men going back and forth to one man in particular. He was the tallest one and obviously the leader.

The men moved quickly and efficiently but they were making some mistakes. The camera system should have been disabled and they should have secured all security in one area. They were cleaning house though. 

Some of the men were starting to mess with the waitress' and women. I got nervous. I know how I looked in this dress. "Aye mami. You're sexy as fuck. Stand up!" I stood up and stared at him. He ran the barrel of his pistol up my leg, to the hem of my dress. I did my best to show no emotion. He leaned in and whispered into my ear. "You like that mami?" Then he moved towards my face to try to kiss me. I moved my face to avoid him.

"That's enough!" The tall leader came over making the man bothering me stop. "Go help them with the jewelry." The guy messing with me nodded and ran off. The leader walked up to me. He looked me over, "You okay?"

I nodded.

I could see a little bit of a neck tattoo peeking out from underneath his ski mask. T O was all I could see. And his eyes. His eyes were sexy as hell. He had some really long eyelashes and a teardrop tattoo underneath one of his eyes.

"Get back down on the ground morenita, this will all be over soon."

I nodded and did as I was told. His eyes and his voice were so sexy. Who the hell were these guys? My mom and I know most, if not all, of the people that worked in our world. But I've never seen him before. I would remember eyes like that.

They all met up near the door and left. Locking up the hotel lobby door behind them to make sure they weren't followed. They weren't from my world. They made too many rookie mistakes. They were amateurs at best. I quickly stood up and pulled out my phone to call my mom.

"Finished already Rose?"

"We had interference. Come get me."

I hung up, ten minutes later she was out front. 

Great now I have to explain to her how I fucked up my first real job. 

On top of that now we won't have the money we need yet to move to Brentwood.

Could this day get any worse???

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