12 - Full House

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Once the game began I kept stealing glances at Oscar

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Once the game began I kept stealing glances at Oscar. One, to make sure the other players knew that we were a couple and two, because I kept thinking about kissing him. He had his whole poker face going on. So his eyes were concentrated and low. He was peering at everyone through his long eyelashes. His look was so sexy and intimidating. 

"I fold!" A man across the table said throwing down his hand onto the table. Oscar looked at him and then the other men at the table. I looked down at my cards and decided to bluff a little. I had an ace, two tens, a five and a three. There was a chance that I could get three of a kind with my tens but there was a good chance that someone had something better than I did. I pushed a stack of my chips into the center and gave Oscar a look. "I'm in." 

I looked across the table at the gentleman who was wearing a low hat and shades. I bit my lip seductively and twirled my hair a little. He slid in a stack of his chips. "I'm in too." Oscar slid in his stack of chips and so did the other man at the table. The dealer flipped the other cards on the table and revealed two tens in the cards and an ace. I got excited and placed my hand down on the table. "That's three of a kind!" 

The man across the table with the shades on threw his hand in. The other men grumbled a little as they all threw their hands in too. I looked over at Oscar. He threw his hand in too, placing the cards so that I could see them. He had two aces in his hand. I frowned at him and looked up at him. He let me win. Why would he do that?

The dealer pushed all of the chips in my direction. "The lady wins." He started to collect the cards and started shuffling them again. One of the men across the table scoffed. "I could probably concentrate better if she wasn't in here looking like, like that." He pointed at me. I looked up at him and slightly parted my lips. I leaned into the table to accentuate my cleavage. "Looking like what papi?" He laughed a little and shook his head. Then he pulled a cigar out of his pocket and lit it up at the end. After he took a few puffs of the cigar, ensuring it was lit, he looked back over at me. "How old are you?" I smiled. "Why?" 

He nodded and pointed at me. "You like to play games, don't you?" I smiled and tilted my head, "Maybe?" He looked over at Oscar. "How much is she?" 

Oscar frowned up his face and sneered at the man across the table. "What the fuck did you just say to me?" 

I could tell by the look on Oscar's face that he was seriously pissed off. He slightly slid his chair back and I could see him reaching for his pocket. We couldn't afford for this to go south. So I had to calm Oscar down. I slid my hand onto his leg, moving upward slightly. "It's okay." Oscar looked at me and searched my eyes for an explanation. I looked into his eyes and nodded. "It's a compliment, really." I leaned in and kissed Oscar on the lips, using my tongue to lick his lips before connecting them with mine. "You know I'm all yours baby." I looked over at the man across the table with the cigar. "And he knows that he could never afford me." I smiled and winked as I said it.

The man across the table took a few more puffs from his cigar and adjusted his chair. It seems as though I may have struck a nerve. Which was perfect, because in this game you never want to lose your cool. The other gentlemen at the table seemed to be amused as well. 

The dealer looked around the table. "Are we ready?"

Oscar nodded and caressed my chin. I smiled at his touch and nodded. Cigar guy nodded as well and so did the man with the hat and shades. The last man at the table stood up. "I'm out."

The dealer gave him a portion of his chips and put the rest into the pot. Then the dealer looked over at me. "This game is ladies choice. What game would you like for the table to play?" I smiled and didn't even look at Oscar. "Blackjack!"

The dealer nodded and began dealing out the card. The man in the hat and shades had a devilish smirk on his face. He was starting to make me uncomfortable with how he didn't say a word. And even behind the shades I could feel him staring at me.

There was a knock on the door. A sequence of knocks. The dealer acknowledged them and nodded to us. "This will be the last game of the evening." I nodded. "I guess we better make it count then huh?"

I peeked at my card. A 10 and a Jack. 20. I had this in the bag. I pushed in the rest of my chips. "I'm all in." 

Oscar adjusted himself in his chair and pushed in his chips as well. "Count me in too." We all looked over at the other man sitting at the table. He didn't move, he didn't say anything. The dealer motioned to him. "Sir, you will have to place your bid."

He smiled a creepy wide smile and pushed in all of his chips as well. "I guess I'm all in as well. Don't want to be the odd one out." 

The dealer dealt their hand and they had a ten. Oscar flipped his cards. "Nineteen." The man with the hat flipped his cards, "Twenty." I took a deep breath and swallowed. I flipped my cards. "Twenty." "Looks like we have a tie." The dealer dealt both of us another card. I flipped my card. It was an Ace. "Twenty one!" 

The man flipped his card and had a 10. "It looks like you win." 

The dealer pushed the chips in my direction. I collected them in a bag quickly because we would need to leave out of here fast. We needed to avoid any unwanted attention. And me taking the house for 1.2 million dollars would definitely be unwanted attention. As I collected the last of the chips I stood up and so did Oscar. We began to head to the door when the man in the hat grabbed my wrist. 

I stopped. I was stuck in place by his grasp and the chills that his touch sent through my body. "May I know the name of the young lady who beat the house?" I swallowed. "Uh, Lilly." He nodded his head once. "Beautiful. Why, a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet."

I frowned at his statement. Why would he say that? Did he know who I really was? Oscar wrapped his arm around my waist protectively. "Everything okay?" I looked over at him and just nodded. He glared at the man in the hat as the man released my wrist. "Let's go." I nodded and followed him out of the room. We had to cash in our chips and get the hell out of here. NOW.


Who do you think the man in the hat is?

Do you think he knows Rose?

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