10 - Test time

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Rose walked into the living room

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Rose walked into the living room. I looked up from the t.v. and had to do a double take. "What are you wearing?" She looked herself over and looked back at me. "Um, some shorts and a tank top." I raised an eyebrow. "Rose, is that what you sleep in?" She shrugged her shoulders, "Yeah. Well actually I usually just sleep in a tank top and underwear. But since I'm here with you I threw on some shorts." I tried to concentrate back on the t.v. but then she came over and sat next to me on the couch. "What are you watching?"

I sighed. "Breaking Bad." "Never heard of it. Can we watch something else?" "Like what?" "How about Ocean's Eight?" I laughed. "Sure, why not." She grabbed the remote and changed it. Then she pulled some of my blanket and covered herself with it. I looked at her. "Just make yourself comfortable." She rolled her eyes as she had her eyes glued on the t.v. 

After a few minutes she laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep. "Damn it Rose." I moved so that both of us were able to lay on the couch comfortably. Then I eventually fell asleep too. I'm not too sure what happened during the course of my sleep but I woke up to Rose calling my name to wake me up. "What? What's wrong?" She looked at me with wide eyes. "Uh, Oscar, you kissed me." I frowned. "What? I did?" She nodded her head. "My bad, I must have been dreaming about some hyna." "Yeah, me." I sucked my teeth. "Don't flatter yourself mami." She got up from the couch. "I'm not papi. You were literally calling out my name in your sleep." I sat up straight. "Yeah right." She shook her head and walked to my room. Once she closed the door I looked down and realized my dick was hard as fuck.

Damn, was I thinking about her? Was I dreaming about her?

I threw my head back onto my pillow and tried to concentrate on tomorrow. We were going to a underground poker game. The jackpot was supposed to be around 3 million. We could definitely use that. I was going to have Santi, Angel and Sad Eyes serve weed to the guys there while me and Rose played. Rose was going to serve as a distraction. She seemed to do really well with making men pay attention to her. So tomorrow would be a test to see just how useful she was.


The next morning I woke up and saw Rose sitting on the kitchen counter while Santi was cooking pancakes. She was flirting with him, I could tell. I sat up and stretched. "Good morning Oscar!" Rose called out to me from the kitchen. I stood up and raised an eyebrow at her as I adjusted my sweatpants. I walked over to the kitchen. "Good morning." She looked at me up and down and bit her lip slightly. "Problem?" She smiled slightly and then shook her head No. Then I looked over at Santi. "Since when do you cook breakfast pendejo?" 

"Uh, well I know we got a big day ahead of us so. Just wanted to make sure we ate." I looked at him. "Uh, huh. And so it has nothing to do with wanting to see Rose in those little ass shorts and that thin ass tank top?" Santi shook his head. "No! I mean, she does look good, but no that's not why." Rose laughed and hopped down from the counter. She walked right up to me. "Not everybody dreams about me Oscar." Then she walked past me and back to my room.

Santi looked at me. "What was that?" 

"Nothing. Just finish the food fool. We got to get everybody ready by 7." He nodded and finished up everything.

I can't decide yet if Rose is going to be more trouble than she's worth. But she is definitely fun to look at in the mean time.


So much sexual tension

I can't wait to see how this card game goes

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