3 - Freeridge

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We pulled up to our house

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We pulled up to our house.

"Does that mean I can drop out of school now?"

My mom and I turned to Paloma. "No!"

Paloma rolled her eyes as we all got out of the truck and went inside.

"Okay we have two hours. Only pack what you absolutely need. We can always replace anything else." Paloma and I nodded and went to our rooms.

I grabbed my duffel bag from under my bed and opened it up. I grabbed all of my high end clothing and shoes. Then all of my real jewelry. I reached up to the top of my closet and grabbed my shoebox. Over the last couple of years I had saved over twenty thousand dollars. I took the money out and put it in my purse. Then I pulled my pillow case off of my pillow and grabbed my ID's from other states, my passports, my fake ID's and my counterfeit money. I put all of them in my purse.

"You okay Rose?" My mom asked peeking into my room. I looked up at her, "Yeah." She came in and sat on the bed. "We're moving in with some old friends of mine. Some girls I met when I first came to Los Angeles. They stay in Freeridge. They have a four bedroom house, so you and Paloma will have to go back to sharing a room for a little while."

I nodded. "Okay." She kissed my forehead. "Mi hija hermosa. What would I do without you?"

I smiled. She stood up to leave. "Go ahead and start putting your things in the car. We leave in an hour."

"Okay mom."

I zipped up my duffel bag, then changed into some cargo shorts, a tank top and some vans. I loaded my things into the trunk of my mom's car and helped Paloma load hers. Once everything was packed up we went through the house making sure that we removed and destroyed anything that could help identify us. Once we were done we locked up the house and got in the car and left. There wasn't much to destroy. Mom never put up pictures or anything like that. We didn't attend church or participate in anything where we'd be missed. The only thing that would probably miss us were the occasional stray cats that I would feed.

I put my phone down and turned to my mom. "So what do we know about Freeridge?"

My mom pulled out her blackbook. She put everything in this book. From our account numbers to plans for different hits, she put it all in this book. She always told us if she were to ever get caught up to find this book. I opened it up and saw her notes on Freeridge. 

Controlled by two gangs: Santos and Prophets

Santos leader = Spooky; Prophets leader = Ocho

New accomplices = Black Dahlia and Poison Ivy

Residing in Santo territory (safer) Estimated time of residence = 1 year

"The Santos?"

She nodded. "They're a safer gang to be around than the Prophets."

I looked up from her notes and looked out the window. We were passing by a sign that read 'Welcome to Freeridge'.


So that was a good bit of backstory in these past few chapters.

Now let's get to the good stuff.

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