The Interview

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There I was sitting front row on the today show watching 5 Seconds Of Summer, bringing out their biggest confessions about who they are. Calum Hood gets asked the question if he is gay or not. I grab onto my seat in hopes that one of the boy bands I love has at least one Gay member just to inch my hopes up little by little, to maybe with him one day. I was praying for Calum becuase I mean well who wouldn't! I was sitting next to my best friend, Maddie. She was the one who bought us the tickets. I couldn't breath when Calum looked at me and winked he answered the question.

" Yeah I'm gay. I in fact am quiet happy I am."

Everyone in the crowd oooed an awed about it. My jaw dropped cause right after he said that I chized myself a bit. I wanted to wait a bit after the show was over cause Calum kept loking right into my eyes multipul times it was just oh so ugh. He was so hot and knowing that he was into guys made everything 100 times better. Once the show was finally done and over me and my friend tried to stay as long as we could till they went to kick us out we heard a familiar voice shout,

"Wait I want them to stay!"

The security gaurd drops us and hands us two passes the kinds that famous people wear. I was so excited Calum went and reached for my hand but then paused and grabbed his arm instead. I wanted him to just tell me everything he tells his girl fans and do things he does to his girl fans. I want to be Calums one true boyfriend. I was so mad but so happy he did wink at me so I mean like I think that's a good thing Calum was just so attractive and I couldn't help but love him. He was so tall and he can sing plus he's a part of a boyband. Ugh! Fangirling way to hard. Trying to keep it in the lads kept asking me questions about me life and such, I'd answer their questions after my bestie Maddie I would always look at Calum I could feel him staring at me checking me out I wanted him to pull me aside, and kiss me. I wanted that to happen so bad. After we answered their questions and they answered ours. Sadly the boys needed to get going but before I left the set Calum asked the guys to give him a minute alone with me. Of course they agreed. He looked into my eyes and grabbed my hands. I felt my heart racing and I felt his when he was holding my hand. He put something inside of my palm, he leaned in towards me and I leaned towards him. He whispered three words into my ear that I will never ever forget.

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