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It was rest time. I was very hungry so I hurried to the canteen. I bought a chicken burger with coke and sat at a corner table. I looked around. Full of noise. I started to eat. "Can I sit here?" That was Henry. "Yes. You can". I replied. "Hey, Henry. You don't want to join us today?" It was Henry's friend. " No. I will have breakfast with Lyn". He replied. Then, he looked at me. Suddenly, the burger stacked in my throat. I tried to open my coke. But I can't. He helped me to open the coke. "Don't eat too fast. Be chill." He said. "Thank you!" I replied after drink half of my coke. "Why are you so quiet? You don't like to talk with me?" He asked. "No not like that. Just because of my parents I hate people. I hate to talk with people." I replied sadly.

"Why? What did your parents do?" He asked. "Before they got divorced they always fought. After both of them come back from work they just bother about their work. They never cared for me.I'm the only child for them. But I never received love from them. My grandma was taking care of me. She passed away 2 years ago. I feel alone. I told my friends about my parents at the old school. From that day, they started to blame me.No one loved me.No one cared for me. From that day I have hated talking with people". I cried. He stood up and sat beside me. He placed his hand on my left shoulder. "Don't cry. I'm here for you". His words gave me a lot of hope for him. Kring🔔Kring the bell rang again. "Let's go to class." He helped me to stand up.

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