Chapter 1

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Earth, Australia, north of Perth WA, 1235/12:35pm 2019

Recon POV

The Chinese were planning an attack through north Perth so we and others dug in, in the bush, quite literally as we were on top of a small hill with trenches and mg pill boxes set up around the hill. No small group unless they were extreme special forces with every asset at their disposal was getting through. I was currently set up on another hill overlooking the hill where the rest of the company numbering around 40 was located. Right now, me and three others from my section were with me, one was next to me on overwatch with me with our two ef88's. I was teaching him how to be a good marksman as I was the designated marksman as well as the 2ic. The other two with us were set up in fox holes behind us guarding our backs with the less modern f88's, all section members with me were private's.

The other two members of our section were set up in a hidden pill box slightly further ahead of the main hill facing opposite to the front of the hill. Our section commander and section support were setup there with our support using a f89 minimi (section light support weapon(LMG)) and section lead using a ef88 setup in the same way we are.

Earlier when I mentioned that no one was getting through unless they had large numbers, the Chinese attacking force numbered around 50 paratroopers already outnumbering us and in addition infantry numbering in 80, in total numbering 130 troops but they also had two LAV's which are anti-infantry vehicles with 25mm automatic turrets. 

The chaos ensued at 1235 when the plane flew over at a low altitude knowing we didn't have any AA guns dropping paratroopers behind and around us like they knew we had defences away from the hill. Shortly after they sent in the LAV's to take our attention away from the paratroopers who me and the other marksman in training were currently shooting, some landed behind us so I signaled our back guarders over our SPR's by saying monotonously and without emotion," Waste those fucks dropping behind us." One of them replied with," Copy." He sounded in concentration. Shouting and screaming for," MEDIC!" And,"GET A FUCKING MISSILE ON THAT LAV!" Were heard below. Eventually about five minutes later, and five casualties, a digger with an AT rocket launcher ran to a good position and fired a rocket at one of the advancing LAV's destroying it, a small cheer was heard before the same soldier ran off to the quatermaster to get another one. At the same time the Chinese infantry had advanced and we started picking them off. By now we had maintained around 20 out of 40 casualties which is not good. Also by now the paras have landed and a group of 7 regrouped behind the main hill. So I told the marksman in training next to me.

"Take out the paras regrouped behind CHQ (company headquarters), I'll focus on the infantry." 

He responded with," Corporal." 

I nodded and we went back to shooting until we heard fighting behind us, I radioed in.

"Back guard team, what's happening?" 

"Group of 5 paras regrouped behind us, eliminating now, will keep you notified!" I received back over the sound of gunfire.

"Copy." I replied and continued firing back at infantry. By now the same digger had blown up the other LAV and the infantry attack was in full force. The remaining troops below went back to their gun pits and continued firing. The paras regrouped behind the compound were all dead from the marksman next to me. I noticed that of the 3 pill boxes surrounding the compound 2 of which were actually firing at the enemy, one was firing at our own troops meaning enemy paras have captured it. I told my trainee

"Kill the cunts at pill box 2."

He responded with," Corporal ." Again.

I looked over the other pill boxes, the one to our left had lost one back guard while the other one just finished off the last of the paras flanking them. He looked at the last pill box which was coincidentally his sections one seeing the only back guard suppressed and nearly overrun, he finished off the last 2 with two headshots. 

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