Chapter 13

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I finished up my shower and got out putting on my uniform, Blake came in after me, as we passed each other, she couldn't resist smirking. I sighed and put everything I'd need for the day in my pockets and put my KA-BAR on my belt and my pistol on my thigh. I saw Ruby stirred awake, she wasn't smirking and acting smug so I knew she didn't see me and Yang asleep. We said our greetings and she waited for the shower to be free. I tried to shake Yang awake again, with no luck I said I was going to the mess hall to Ruby. She looked confused before I sighed. "Cafeteria." I clarified. She understood what I meant there and I went to said mess hall. 

I had a pair of bacon and eggs on toast and some baked beans and can't forget a cup of tea. It feels weird having cups with beacon insignias instead of the coat of arms or army rising sun on them. I pushed those thoughts out of my head, will only make me miss home more. I made it back to the room to find Yang finally stirring awake and Ruby and Blake were no where to be seen and the shower was still running so I assumed Weiss up and having a shower.  Yang looked at me a little confused. "Hmm, Dave you're up already?" She questioned half asleep. I nodded to her. "We were made because of your heavy sleeping." I said a little annoyed and pointing at  the empty beds in the room. She looked confused before understanding the military speak and began looking shocked and worried. "Did Ruby-?" I cut her off. "No only Blake." I said. She calmed  down knowing Blake could hold a secret. She yawned. "What's the time?" She asked still a bit drowsy. I looked to my watch. "Zero seven hundred hours." I said. She looked confused again. I sighed. "Seven o'clock." I stated. A look of recognition passed over her face and she nodded. "So is that like a, an army thing?" She asked. A ghost of a smile passed my face. "You talking about 24 hour times?" I asked in turn, she nodded. "Yeah army uses it so people don't get confused when you say six o'clock at night time." I said humorously. She registered the joke and laughed a little herself. Weiss walked out then dressed in her usual white but with her hair down and was working to dry it with a towel in her hand. Me and Yang said our greetings to her and she responded in turn trying still to get the dampness out of her hair. Yang tiredly got up and went into the shower. I sighed. I hated inactivity. Doing nothing when there is something that can be done. It just annoyed me. So I did the only thing productive I could do at that moment. I hopped up onto yangs bed after grabbing my bush hat from my pack and laid down. Weiss watched my ever move. "What're you doing?" She asked curiously. I sighed lying down and putting the hat over my eyes. "Havin' a snooze." I said. She didn't respond so I assume my answer was satisfactory. 

I woke up to Yang shaking me. I checked my watch, 0732. I hopped off her bed. I saw she also had a towel around her long Maine of hair and was already dressed. I walked past her and put my bush hat into my pack again. "What's that?" I heard curiosity lacing her voice. I turned around to see her pointing at my lower back. I looked down and saw my shirt caught on my dads beret. I quickly pulled my shirt over it while sighing. "I'll tell you later." I had an edge to my voice and sadness was also obvious. She only nodded in response and left it at that. I grabbed my own beret and pulled on my head. She was drying her hair vigorously. I sighed. "There's no rush, take as much time as you need." I said to her. I pained to say that since my hatred of wasting time. She gained her smirk. "Can you do it?" She put on her best puppy begging face and a meek voice. I sighed again. "Sure, just tell me how to do it." I told her with my usual dead face. She gained a shocked face. Wasn't expecting to do that then. She recovered from it and regained her trademark smirk. She sat down like a little kid on the floor with her back against Blake's bed and laying her hair on said bed while patting behind her. I sighed for the I-don't-know-nor-care-amount-of-time and sat behind her on the bed with one leg either side of her head. I grabbed the towel. "Right. Tell me to do." I said with a no bullshit voice. I then paused. "Wait don't you have a hair dryer?" I asked. She shook her head. "I don't like using them, they don't give me the look I want." She said. I sighed. "You girls and your bloody hair." I muttered. She only smirked and began giving instructions. "Okay so the first thing you're gonna do..."

The lone marksman (soldier x RWBY)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora