Chapter 3

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3rd person POV 

Recon woke up from a dreamless sleep at exactly 06:00 from his inbuilt body clock immediately doing one hundred pushups as a quick morning workout and wake up strategy, after finishing up, he moved to the adjoining room to go to the toilet and have a shower which he would've had to pay more money for if he wanted it hot. Afterwards he got dressed and got his uniform and gear back on ready for the day, he then walked back to the bartender and gave him the key for his room and walked out into the crisp morning air with the job note in his pocket to the militia barracks which was next to the council building. The job was to go into the bush to the west of the town, find and kill the Beowolves that have been attacking the town and the caravans going in and out of the town. David got to the barracks where there were two guards out front with the same white rifles he saw earlier in their hands. "Halt, what is your business with the Windstone militia?" David pulled out the job note and handed it to them. "I'm here to apply for this job, the note says to come here." The guard nodded and had Recon follow him. The guard brought him through the barracks going past a classroom, a large sleeping room for what he would assume are troops going through their basic training and past a few offices until he stopped at one that said "1 platoon commander, 1st LT John Black." "At least they have a rank structure, but I have yet to see their discipline standards." The guard nocked on the door three times and waited until a voice called back saying, "Come in." The guard then opened the door walked in and performed an American style salute while standing at attention. The officer sitting there returned the salute. "Private, what do you need?" The guard spoke back after standing at ease/parade rest, "Sir, we have a volunteer for the Grimm job." The officer nodded. "Alright bring him in." David took that as his cue to walk in. The officer looked him up and down, taking in every detail, including how young he was which surprised him but he hid it before gesturing towards the seat opposite him on the other side of the desk. "Take a seat. Private, you may return to your post." The soldier saluted once again which the lieutenant returned himself before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. "What's your name, soldier I assume?" He asked in a kind manner. David nodded, "Yes sir, Lance Corporal David Shepard, callsign 1-1 Recon, or it's just Recon now." The officer nodded solemnly and said, "I'm sorry for your loss, I know what it's like to lose friends and men under your command. But alas, down to business. I'm going to hold a quick interview of you to find out if you're ready for this operation, these will be questions about your physical and mental abilities. Any objections or questions?" Recon only shook his head. "Good. Okay first question, do you have any pre-existing injuries, mental or physical that will hinder your ability to  operate effectively in combat?" David thought for a moment. "Burns healed awhile ago, no fractures or broken bones. No bullets are in me, nothing physical only PTSD." Recon ran a gloved hand over his burns on his left arm while thinking, he then snapped back to reality, "No injuries, does PTSD count as a problem?" The officer shook his head. "Lots of our own militia suffer from it aswell." Recon was relieved by this. "Next question, how old are you?" He sighed at this question before answering, "18." The militia commander infront of him was shocked before writing down something, he then swallowed then said. "O-ok uh, do you have any reservations against working with other soldiers you do not know and as such have different training?" David shook his head before answering. "No, as long as they don't be dickheads or charge in there and get themselves killed." The soldier nodded and wrote down some more things before nodding and asking once more. "Alright, last question, do you need any supplies of weaponry before this mission starts?" Dave only shook his head at that. "Well I believe that a team will be assembled by 0930 today, come back then and we'll have a briefing prepared." David nodded again and held out his hand for a handshake which the officer returned, Dave then turned around to leave the room before the LT called him back and handed him a clipboard with paper on it and lots of writing. "Just sign here." He pointed to the box down the bottom of the page that was blank. Recon took an offered pen and quickly scribbled a signature on the paper and handed it back to the LT before leaving.

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