Chapter 9

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"Oh I can't believe my baby sister is going to beacon with me. This is the best day ever!" An excited yellow dressed, blonde girl with... purple eyes... said excitedly while hugging Ruby who looked uncomfortable and embarrassed. I sighed, I wasn't very energetic today. I had another shit nights sleep with my dead comrades tormenting me the hole night. I still had these thoughts on the airship over to beacon. I just can't seem to get rid of them, it's strange because I never had it back at Windstone. I looked around for anything to take my mind off the tiredness and dreams. So that led me to begin listening to Ruby and her sisters conversation. She must've been a half sister because of her hair and eyes. I was sitting off on one of the seats lining the walls of the ship leaning forward with my helmet tilted forward shading my tired eyes that were looking down at the floor of the craft. I was doing this because I was damn near crying at the memory of my brothers and sisters who lost their lives. I also pulled a face sock just up over my mouth. I was feeling unnaturally cold that day.  "Please stop." Ruby pleaded to her sister. Her sister broke off the hug and began jumping excitedly while speaking. "But I'm so proud of you!" She said still excited. "Really sis, it was nothing." Ruby said quietly. She spoke back with a huge grin on her face. "What do you mean? It was incredible! Everyone at beacon is gonna think you're the bees knees!" She said gesturing to the people on the airship. "I haven't heard that saying in a long time." I thought. "I don't wanna be the bees knees. I don't wanna be any kind of knees, I just wanna be a normal girl with normal knees. Okay?" She said standing her ground. "Gray man, or woman in this case." I thought approvingly. My mind quickly wondered off of what they were talking about at that thought. It reminded me of what my dad said about any kind of basic training or special operations group course. Then that quickly devolved into the memories of me and my dad and our time together then the time of his death. I put my mind off that and immediately reached for my phone and air phones for some music to remind me of better times. "Look cunt, I'm not rich. I can't afford air pods. okay?" That thought passed through my head at the memory of a friend taking the piss out of me for not having air pods. While listening to my music I saw something flash in the corner of my vision. I raised my head to see a fucking hologram of two pictures of the ginger pimp me and Ruby fought a week ago. "Roman Torchwick. Good to know. Barstard must've fallen out of the sky when I put a round through each engine. Or that's from an earlier arrest." I looked back down and kept on listening to my music. I then saw Goodwitch pop up from where the news report was. I pulled out one air phone and listened to her and my music at the same time. At this point I had stopped feeling cold and leant back in my seat and rested my head on the window seal behind me. Glynda was going on about being privileged to be here and shit like that. I paid no more mind to it after she disappeared and put my music back in and watched everyone look out the window at the view. I then saw a blonde boy with some cheap armour and a simple tee shirt and jeans underneath begin running my way and began holding his mouth closed. Motion sickness. The kid next to me threw me a sideways glance when he looked up from his scroll and I lifted my legs up off the ground. I looked at him then gestured to the blonde discount knight running past, spilling little bits of vomit everywhere. At least his sword looked high quality. The kid had a look of understanding pass his face and quickly moved his legs out of the way. I began hearing panicked shouting over my music and looked up to see the two sisters losing their shit over some spew on the blondes shoe. I laughed and tapped the guy next to me and pointed at the two girls. He looked where I was pointing and began laughing too. 

The giant airship had landed and the first off was the blonde knight chucking up into a rubbish bin. I was walking at the back of the group with my rifle slinged over my back and my hands in my pockets. I had stitched up my uniform and one of the doctors at a hospital I went to healed my ass and leg wounds and had me good to go before getting on the flight. The two sisters infront of me stopped, awed at the building and architecture infront of them. I wasn't when I bumped into both of them and we all fell over. "Fuck. Shit, sorry." I told them getting up and offering a hand to the blonde who looked pissed off for a moment then calmed down and accepted my hand up. I then offered my hand to Ruby who also took it up. "Shit, yeah sorry about that." I said again. The blonde then smirked at me. I raised my eyebrow. "It's ok cutie, I'm Yang. Yang Xiao Long." She said offering a handshake. "Yang." Ruby winged. Yang ignored her. I had restrain myself from rolling my eyes, I had met these types before. "Lance Corporal David Shepard." I responded while returning the handshake. She lost the smirk but still smiled. She must've thought I would've started going all blushy and nervous around her. "Fuck she might try everything to try and get me embarrassed." I estimated. Ruby smiled at me. "Nice to meet you again David." She said to me. Yang smirked again. "Same her. Just call me Dave." I said. Yangs smirk had broken out into a full on grin. "Ooh~ you've met the big soldier before and have already gone to nicknames, my, my rubes. You're so naughty." She teased her sister while holding both her shoulders and grinning behind her left ear. She must've thought that could've got to me. I sighed in response to that, not breaking composure. Ruby however went as red as her cloak, turned around and began winging at her while covering her face with her hood. Yang stood there with a big grin on her face and her hands on her hips. I began walking off to the main school block. Yang still stood there with Ruby still complaining to her. 

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