Chapter 7

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As morning came around, David had to force himself out of bed because of how tired he was. He got up, brushed his teeth, had a shave and a quick workout to wake himself up and shower then got dressed. Before he left, he had a quick equipment check. The uniform he was wearing last night was covered in mud and blood so he had to wash that, the problem was that he didn't have a spare uniform and the only other things he could dress in, his undershirt and underwear, was sweaty and needed a wash too. There was also another two problems, he needed to report to the company commander for his pay and he left his pack on the bullhead. "Fuck." That was only word that came to mind.

An idea came to mind. He thought that if he found Jacob, he could lend him an undershirt and some pants while his clothes were being washed. The problem with the barracks rooms he was assigned to was that they had only shower stalls, toilets and sinks in the bathroom and no washing machines. "That's if they have washing machines and don't do it by hand." Dave thought sourly while he put his half dried mud and half damp blood covered uniform pants on. He then put on his now dried socks that he wore to bed last night and completely mud covered boots on, he then slipped back into his undershirt. Doing this made David really pissed off because he felt like having a shower was a complete waste of time just to get back into a muddy bloody uniform. "Fuck it, let's go find Jacob." He thought while moving throughout the barracks.

He remembered that he was in 2 platoon, so he'd ask there first. A couple minutes later, he was standing at the front door to 2 platoons assigned barracks room. He knocked on the door three times. The door opened to a bored looking Corporal with his shirt unbuttoned so you can see his undershirt underneath and had an unlit cigarette in his mouth. "Fuck do you want?" He asked. Dave had to stop himself from smiling, "Just like home..." He thought to himself. "Hey Corp, is PFC Schwartz in there?" He asked politely, he was his senior by one rank. The corporal turned around and shouted back into the room. "PFC Schwartz!" There was a seconds silence before one of the platoon members shouted back. "He's gone to the mess Corp." the corporal turned back around and said back to him. "He's gone to the mess hall." Dave nodded back to him before saying. "Ah shit. Ah well, thanks Corp." he nodded back still with the bored look on his face. "By the way, you look like hammered shit, go get ya fuckin uniform washed." David had to suppress another smile. "Will do Corp." He said before moving off to the mess hall. 

He was gonna look like shit walking into the mess hall, as if he didn't get enough attention already. Recon was pleasantly surprised to see that there was hardly anyone in there and they were all below the rank of sergeant. "Yes! Fuckin bonus! No ass rape today!" He thought to himself. David grabbed a plate and helped himself to the buffet. He then looked around for Jacob, then once he was spotted, he moved over to him and took a seat. "Damn, you look like shit." He said to Dave. "One of your corporals made that quite clear to me." He said humorously before digging into his breakfast. Jacob laughed. "So what's up, why do you look like shit and what caused it?" He asked. "Well, last night, me and two section of SOG platoon blew a white fang base the fuck up, without any help from the rest of the company, the huntsmen who were supposed to be there, or even the fucken bullhead that dropped us off. I also don't have a spare uniform, so I can only wash this if I walk around with my cock and balls hanging out." Jacob laughed again. "Wait so you did an op with SOG, that's fucken crazy, hardly any of us see them even training." David nodded. "Yeah they are some good guys. But that brings me to you." He said while Jacob looked confused. "Yeah what's up?" Recon sighed. "Can I borrow an undershirt and some PT shorts or something while my uniform gets washed?" He nodded before saying. "Yeah just give em back once your done, and take a shower before putting them on, I don't want it smelling like shit when I get it back." David smiled. "Yeah I will, my dumbass decided to put this on after taking a shower." He muttered the last part but it was loud enough for Jacob to hear which caused him to chuckle. 

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