Chapter 15

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It happened as usual, attack the town and kill, kill, kill. We got to the top of the hill and killed the older mortar man as usual and I stood there tired, bloody and holding his pistol. "Kill them." Said what was supposed to be nick. I looked between him and the kids. "Nah this is fucked." I said back to him. He started getting more forceful. "They're our enemy, kill them now." I shook my head. "Not any more. They're scared kids forced to do fucked shit, just like we were when we said yes to the recruiter." I said to him. He kept quiet but I could see his finger move onto the trigger of his machine gun. I sighed. "I'm fucken tired of endless killing for fucking three years! I will continue to defend my land and home, but I won't kill kids for no fucking reason." I said with tired conviction. He stood there for a moment staring at me. "Well if you don't do it I will." He said with malice while leveling his machine gun. I acted instantly. I kicked the machine gun to his right and he stumbled while letting loose five shots. "RUN!" I shouted to the kids behind me. They nodded and began running the way we came. "TRAITOR!" Nick shouted at me. "Don't worry mate, they'll run into the company running that way!" I shouted back at him. He growled while pointing the heavy weapon back at me. He was too far away to catch so I jumped behind a small wall of sandbags while he peppered my cover. I threw a smoke grenade over my cover and waited for it to cover me. I then got low and ran sideways to the left of the smoke. I got to his side as he realised I was next to him and began turning his MG to face me but was too slow. I reached him while holstering the pistol I took from earlier and grabbed his machine gun before it could reach me and threw it sideways which caused him to stumble. I then saw he was only holding the weapon by its pistol grip with his right hand and with his left coming in for an overhand with his bloody knife. I caught it by clashing forearms with him, I then acted quickly by kneeing him in his stomach and elbowing him in his cheekbone. He stumbled back again. He then let the MG hang on it's sling and went for a gut stab with his knife. I grabbed the hand holding the knife, barely stopping it but wasn't prepared for the punch to the face. I held the knife hand still with both hands and dodged the second punch and head butted him with my helmet. He jumped back at that before continuing with his assault. He went for an uppercut which I blocked then a slash diagonally across my front. I took it, lucky that it didn't get my neck. I grabbed the still extended arm and held  it there as I punched him just below the ribs then across the face. He didn't retreat as he pushed forward and got out of my grip and threw a right hook across my face. I fell to the ground on one knee and looked back to see him dropping the knife down. I scrambled away taking a deep cut to my left shoulder and stumbled to my feet. He stomped forward and threw a hard push kick to my chest which I didn't see coming and got thrown down the hill with Nick hot on my heels. I got to my feet to see him charging at me and going for another gut stab. I caught it the same as before and steadied myself against his push with both hands. I had finally got a foothold and we equaled each other out. He then swept my legs out from under me and I fell to the ground. He got on top of me and began pushing down on his knife pointed at my neck. I struggled for a moment before pushing it to the side and let him plunge it into the dirt next to my face. I then pulled my hand back and threw a punch to his solar plexus which didn't do much thanks to the plate carrier then a second punch to the underside of his chin which threw  him forward. While he was off balance, I threw him over and straddled him before he could retrieve the knife. I threw two punch which he blocked before grabbing out the knife from the dirt and sticking it in my left thigh. I shouted out in pain and he used it to throw me off him. I landed off to the side with a sandbag wall blocking my back. He stood up and charged with the knife. "Nick, stop!" I called at him. It did nothing to deter him as I just dodged the stab at my face and let him stick it into a sand back behind me. I grabbed his knife hand with my left hand and threw and uppercut to his chin again and a knee with my right leg into his ribs. I then threw him off and stood up while shouting. "Nick I don't want to do this!" It fell on deaf ears as he pulled the knife out again and went for a horizontal slash to my gut. I let the plate take the cut and kneed him in his own. He went for an uppercut with the knife I just stepped out of the way in time. I then fell to one knee because of the stab wound. He took this chance to kick me in the face and send me rolling to the bottom of the hill. I was caught by an empty ammo box. I began coughing and sputtering. Through blurry eyes I could see nick running at me again. I quickly wiped them clear and drew my pistol. Seeing him still running at me I shouted at him again. "Stop!" He didn't. "Nick please!" I pleaded to him in vain. He kept running. I aimed and fired.

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