Chapter 6

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Recon POV 

We moved without fear and without mistake. We were all ready to die and it strangely put me at ease. Myself and the section moved throughout the base and we all had suppressors on either our rifles or pistols. The soldiers with suppressed pistols would lead because of how quiet it was compared to rifles even if they were suppressed. My luck had it that I "acquired" a pistol suppressor from the quartermaster when he wasn't looking back home so I was one of the ones leading the section. Our sniper support called out different enemies before the sergeant would call out wether or not she'll shoot them or not. We approached between two buildings a road that ran perpendicular to our small alleyway. The building to our right was an old garage that had been turned into a bar. "12 are in the bar to your right." The sniper said over the radio. Before anyone could get off a response, I immediately called back. "How intoxicated do they look?" There was a moment of silence before she spoke over the radio again. "5 are drunk and are having a good time all together, 2 are at the bar looking depressed the bartenders are busy so there's another 2 and the last 3 are the most sober, still drinking and seem to be having a normal conversation. They all have their guard down." I thought for a moment. "Sar'nt, how much explosives do we have?" The sergeant put on a thoughtful face. "10 bricks, what're you planning?" I smiled. "What I propose we do is plant explosives on as many buildings that will cause loss of moral, manpower and supplies, which we are already doing. Maybe leadership and intelligence then." The sergeant was thoughtful again, forming a plan. "Alright what I want you to do is to take some of our best in this section, and 5 of the HE dust bricks and put them on as many buildings that will cause as much destruction as possible and break the spirits of our enemies. Am I understood?" I nodded. "Sergeant." I gave as a response and acknowledge of rank. "Right, you take Melo and Cole and go do this, you are in charge of these two. I will lead the rest of the section to the main objective, if we have enough bricks left, we'll put the rest on another building." I nodded and lead the section to carry out our orders. Before we left to go find more buildings, I placed a brick on the centre of the back wall of the bar so that when it explodes, the wall will go inwards and fire shrapnel at everyone in the pub and if it's explosive enough, cave in half of the building. I then moved off through the alley. "Overwatch copy over." I sent over the radio. "This is overwatch." I heard over my SPR. "Overwatch I need you to point out different areas that, if destroyed, will cause either moral to deflate, enemy intel lost, loss of manpower and leadership over." Silence reigned over the radio for a moment. "Standby over." We waited for another 5 minutes, the sergeant has found a way across the road and was making his way to his objective. The only sound heard was the drunken speaking and laughter of the bar next to us and the constant rain landing on us. It was strangely calming. "Recon, copy." I heard through comms. "Recon copies." There was a moment of silence before I heard the snipers voice again. "There are enemy barracks northwest of your pos, bullhead landing pad and possibly hanger east of 200 metres and what looks like a command centre south west. The bullheads are closest to you." I nodded to the other two and we started to move down the muddy roads, sticking in the shadows and killing where necessary then hiding the body, we moved like clockwork, since we were on a time schedule, it was necessary. They must've also sent out search parties since they somehow knew we were here, but they must've been searching in the wrong places, because we haven't seen any patrols or bullheads, speaking of which, there were two on each of the helipads which lead to a driveway into the hanger. The only problem was the amount of guards. Three next to a large fuel tank between the two helipads and four hanging around the front of the hanger huddled around a campfire out of the way. 

3rd person POV

The Lance Corporal decided at this point, the best course of action was to take his two troops to lure out the three hanging around the helipads and eliminate them all at the same time. But since they had an "aura" or whatever the fuck, the two under his command couldn't use their weapons. However he knew that his weapons could negate aura but would alert the rest of the base, he still yet had to test if his knives could penetrate aura as well so he decided to take a gamble which could end in the entire sections deaths at worse and detection by the whole base at best. "Alright boys, take these." He said while holding out his KA-BAR and bayonet. The two glanced at each other in concern before they took a knife each, " Excuse me corp, but how the fuck are we supposed to get through aura with these?" Cole asked tiredly. Recon smiled at him slightly before speaking. "The same way my pistol and rifle does." The soldier seemed to be in thought for a moment before sighing and and moving to crouch next to the fire team commander to listen to the plan. 

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