Chapter 12

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I had the same dream as last night. The only difference was that when we arrived at the mortar pit and killed the older mortar man, when nick asked me to kill them, I questioned him again. "Why? They're just kids." I said tired from all the fighting. "Look at what they've done to us." He said referring to our battered and beat state. "No, they'd have just got here from China, there's no way that these kids would be as cruel and twisted as him." I said pointing to the dead mortar man. "Or even you and I." I said continuing. "We should take them to the nearest outpost." I said with finality. He shook his head. "No we should kill'em." He said his voice holding anger at the two teenagers. "Look at what they caused when they fired that mortar, they turned everyone dead into those fucking fire zombies!" He shouted at me. I was tempted to kill them, I wanted to kill them so much, but I knew it was the wrong thing to do. "Yeah and you're gonna turn us into fucking killers!" I shouted back at him. "Weren't we already?" He asked now with a calm voice. "We weren't this bad." I told him. He shook his head. "No, but remember that time we called an airstrike on the town they were holding? It looked just like this one, hanging bodies and all. But they had civies in the main complex. That's why we're doing this on foot." He said. "We've already done worse, this'll just be another to the list before this war is over." He said calloused. My eyes glazed over. "You're right." That was all I said before raising my pistol and shoot the first one in the head. I then holstered the stolen pistol. "The others is yours private." I said walking away ignoring the screaming of the young man behind me as a twisted version of my friend stabbed the young soldier to death. 

The dream only ended when his screaming had finished and I was glad it did. I woke up with a jolt and gasp. I was sweating. Yang woke up as well and got on her knees next to me. I started breathing heavily and raised my knees to chest and covered my face with my hands. "Oh my fucking god." I said muffled by my hands. Yang only rubbed my back. "Hey, you okay?" She asked. I only nodded into my hands before changing to shaking my head. "What happened?" She asked. I sighed heavily into my hands. "Dreams." Was my only answer. "So you were having nightmares." She said. I only nodded in response. We sat there for a while. I held back tears with all of my will. I finally lowered my hands from my face and looked to Yangs caring face. She looked at my sad expression and bloodshot eyes. I nodded at her. "Thanks." Was all I said. I pulled myself to my feet. "Hey, you sure you don't wanna talk about your dream?" She asked me while still on the floor. I only shook my head. "Nah I'll be fine." I said before walking into the bathroom. Someone must've put my clothes in the dryer. I've still gotta iron it. I stepped into the shower. At 0700 I came out wearing an ironed uniform and my usual dead stare. Everyone else was waking up and Yang was holding her towel waiting to go into the shower next. "What took you so long?" She asked jokingly. "I had to iron my uniform. Because someone didn't get off my lap until I fell asleep." I said the last part jokingly as well. I walked over to my pack where I stashed my stuff that was in my pockets. I put all the stuff I usually had, into my pockets and grabbed my dads dark green stained reddish brown by his blood. I could never bring myself to wash it. "Hey Dave?"I stood up putting it in my back belt loop while turning around to face Yang. She looked at what I was doing and raised an eyebrow but dismissed it. "Can you wait for me? I wanna go to the cafeteria together." She requested. I raised my own eyebrow as I finished fiddling with the beret. "Uh sure." Was all I said. I reached into my pack again and pulled out my own beret and put in on. I turned around to look at one of the mirrors against the wall. That was before I saw Ruby's shit eating grin from her bunk and Weiss's blushing face about something else. Curiously, I peeked around to Blake who was reading her book while sitting on the side of her bed but I could see the small tugs at the corners of her mouth. I looked back to Ruby. "Alright, what is it?" I asked with a no bullshit voice. She held back her evil chuckles. "Whatever to you mean?" She asked in a voice imitating an evil crime boss who lives in a volcano. "You are imitating an evil person living in a volcano, Blake is doing a bad job at imitating me and Weiss is imitating Rudolph's nose but on her cheeks." I said blandly. Weiss blushed further at that and Blake let herself smile and Ruby burst out laughing. "So spill the beans, the fucks going on?" I asked again. Ruby chuckled evilly. "You'll find out all in due time, all in due time..." She said rubbing her hands. Blake looked up from her book. "He's right about you." She said coolly. We heard the shower finish. I just sighed and made sure I had everything. I saw Yang walk out wearing her school uniform. "Alright good to go?" She asked. I nodded and saw Ruby's smirk out the corner of my eye. I pointed at her. "I believe your sister has something to say but can only speak in evil cliche voice person who lives in the bottom of a volcano." I said. Ruby lost her smirk and Yang gained one. "Oh, what does my little sister know that I don't?" She asked rhetorically. 

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