Chapter 11

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I kicked his leg backwards the wrong way and threw him on the ground. I got on top of him and pulled out my KA-BAR and continued to stab him repeatedly in his face and chest before moving forward into cover with our section support man. It was just me and him, my best friend left and we were fighting savagely against our attackers. These attackers had 'occupied' this town, killing everyone and hanging them from trees and light posts in this town. We kept firing and firing and killing and killing for what felt like hours until it went into nightfall. They began to become scared to approach us so we used that to push forward again and take more ground. I was in the same condition as my last dream and my friend, nick, who I could hardly realise was him, had mud and blood smeared over his face, bullet wounds all over him and both of his sleeves were non existent. His chest rig had missing pouches and ripped cloth exposing the plate. We charged forward to the next sandbag emplacement and began to cut down our enemies again but they seemed like a never ending tide. We eventually cut through them and charged to the end of the street to the next sand bag emplacement, we weren't even calling out kills any more. We would only shout out when we were hit or. "Cover me, I'm fucken reloading!" In a haggard voice. We turned the corner right and saw at the end of the street a mortar pit that began firing at us. We saw the mortar rise in an arc and explode behind us then infront of us. Then it looked like we were in hell. Red embers flew in the air, the sky was black and the only sources of light was the fire from the white phosphorus mortars. The dead soldiers we just killed, became wraiths covered in flame and came charging at us screaming in pain. Nick who I genuinely couldn't recognise, let out a roar of rage and drew a knife and one handed his machine gun as he charged forward killing the fire zombies in front of us. I took the back and let out a shout of my own before firing full auto into the horde. I continued shooting until my rifle was out of ammo, I swapped to my pistol and KA-BAR and kept shooting and stabbing away my enemies until my pistol ran out, which I dropped and picked up my rifle and began using the bayonet to continue to kill my enemies we killed back to back, never stopping. We killed our last enemies each. I began to look at my surroundings, the people who they hung, were now the same wraiths but screaming while trapped being hung. I turned around and looked at my friend, who now had his face burnt off and black pits for eyes. "Come, let's finish this." He spoke in a raggedy spectral voice. I nodded and followed him up the hill to the mortar pit. We were both stumbling and dragging ourselves. I had my rifle of my back and the KA-BAR in my hand. We made it to the top to find the mortar crew to be one middle aged man and two kids a few years younger than us. The oldest of them raised a pistol which I nocked out of the way before nick filled him with bullets. I grabbed his pistol and sheathed my knife. The two kids were holding their hands above their heads and trembling in fear. "Kill these two." The barely recognisable voice of Nick said. "Why?" I asked. "Look at what they did." Was all he said and it was enough to fill me with the rage to kill these two. I shot the first in the head twice, then emptied the rest of the magazine into the second ones chest. I dropped the pistol. Nick began to walk away. "Why..." I began. He looked back. "Why did you make me do this?" I asked him with the guilt now weighing heavy on my soul. He turned to face me. "They were our enemy. We had to kill them." He said. "No, no we didn't." I spoke before turning and following him.

I awoke with tears in my eyes, this was the worse one yet. I pealed myself from my sleeping bag, that had some sweat in it and walked into the adjoining room to take a shower. As I did so, I began to full on cry in the shower for a good few minutes before finishing up and going over to my uniform and getting dressed and making my way outside. Watching the sunrise always calmed me down. I sat on a bench next to a footpath that over looked the cliff and the sunrise. Afterwards I walked to the cafeteria and had a big breakfast this time, completely filling me up. I ate alone, none of my team showed up, they're gonna be hungry til lunch. I checked the time to see it was 0730 now and the girls should be up. I walked back to our room. I heard through the door Weiss's voice. "This isn't going to work." I opened the door to see decorations all across the walls and my stuff left untouched but also a pile of four beds in the middle of the room. How the girls did that, don't ask me. "Oh hi Dave!" Yang cheerfully greeted. I looked at the mess that was the beds. "What happened in the hour I was gone?" I asked. "Well, we decided decorating our room!" Ruby said excitedly. I nodded my head. "Not enough space?" I asked. Blake shook her head. I spent a good minute thinking on it before my mind trailed off while the girls bickered. "Dave?" I looked up. "Yeah what's happening?" I asked. Yang looked at me concerned. "We put it to a vote. Yes or no to bunk beds?" Ruby asked. I looked at their beds then down at mine. I then looked up to Ruby who was smiling. "It doesn't affect me, do what you want." I told her. "Yes we still win!" She said while they ran off and spent the next 30 minutes throwing bunk beds together while I took a seat and began looking through my phone. While they were busy, I saw it was ten minutes until class starts so I made sure I had everything and walked to the classroom. "Ah mr Shepard, I do believe." A large man with silver hair asked me. "Yes sir, and you're Professor Port, right sir?" I asked. He nodded. "Indeed I am. Nice to meet you." He said holding out his hand for a handshake. I returned it. "Likewise sir." I said taking a seat and removing my beret, I then rolled it up and put it in my right side belt loop, my back one had my dads and my left one had my knife sheath. 

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